Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1089: Shen Jingyu's response

Hearing the words Shen Ye, Chu Zhuohang breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately took He Yiming to transfer, and Chu Ning immediately followed.

Chu Zhuohang's car, driven by Shen Jingyu's people, continued to move forward, diverting the military's attention.

After getting on a tall military Falcon headed by, Chu Ning could see clearly that the person sitting in the car was Shen Jingyu!

He actually came here!

After a series of tracking just now, Chu Ning's emotions have been tense to the extreme. When he saw him, he couldn't help but rushed into his arms: "Jingyu!"

"Okay, it's okay." Shen Jingyu hugged her tightly.

Since Chu Zhuohang had found out the news that He Yiming was still alive, naturally he couldn't hide it from him.

He was worried that something might happen to the Chu family, so he rushed over here in advance.

After all, the Chu family is in the arms dealer business, working in a dark place, and it is risky to confront the US official forces head-on.

Coupled with Chu Zhuohang's own health, Shen Jingyu worried that the two brothers and sisters would be in trouble.

Fortunately, we arrived in time.

"Master Chu is injured! Call the doctor over!" someone shouted.

Chu Ning was shocked immediately, seeing that Chu Zhuohang's arm was injured by the stray bullet just now, and a lot of blood had already bleed.

She immediately turned back, pressed Chu Zhuohang's wound, and performed simple operations such as hemostasis on Chu Zhuohang before the doctor.

"Sure enough, I really have to take you." Chu Zhuohang smiled, but because of the pain, a lot of sweat came out on his face.

The convoy drove all the way, and people were searching everywhere along the street.

The army has set up many checkpoints, and every vehicle will not be let go.

Seeing the situation ahead, Chu Ning suddenly became worried.

The army is equipped with advanced tracking equipment, and the special military dogs are also breathing, sniffing the smell from the vehicle back and forth at each checkpoint.

Although Shen Jingyu has received them now, the car is no longer Chu Zhuohang's car.

But the human taste cannot be changed...

She gave Shen Jingyu a worried look.

Chu Zhuohang was also worried about this.

The professional capabilities of the United States in these areas have always not been underestimated.

So the biggest difficulty of the task tonight is not actually taking He Yiming out of the laboratory, but how to avoid these professional searches and send him to a safe place.

This is the biggest problem.

Even if it was replaced by Shen Jingyu's car, it would be difficult to circumvent this problem.

However, Shen Jingyu's expression was steady, her brows were calm, and she was not surprised. It seemed that she was not worried at all.

Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning both knew that he had his own way, so they slowly felt relieved.

But as the level approached, their hearts came up again.

Shen Jingyu's motorcade drove in slowly.

The man in front yelled to search.

Shen Jingyu's driver handed over the pass.

After a few glances, those people waved their hands and let them pass.

The military dogs with bad noses didn't make any abnormalities either.

Shen Jingyu's motorcade passed slowly.

The countless levels ahead have all passed in this way.

"What the **** is this?" Chu Ning couldn't help but looked at Shen Jingyu in confusion.

She can understand that the car has a pass, but what about the military dogs?

"Because I know that I am coming here and I may help you, so I came here as a diplomat. Since I am a diplomat, I naturally have the right to pass without being searched." Shen Jingyu explained softly to Chu Ning's eyes. Tao.

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