Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1136: Waiting to see Chu Ning's joke

Shen Muhan reached out and took a brocade box from his subordinates and said to He Peishan: "The necklace just now is not worthy of such a beautiful girl. This one is more worthy of you."

"Oh my God, Young Master Han is so charming!" A sentence came out from time to time among the onlookers.

Everyone was stunned by Shen Muhan's move.

Everyone's eyes fell on Shen Muhan and He Peishan spontaneously.

He Peishan enjoys standing in the middle of the crowd and being worshipped by others.

She enjoyed this feeling so much that she couldn't bear to give up at all.

"Thank you." He Peishan was so excited that she took the initiative to kiss Shen Muhan.

However, there was no expression on Shen Muhan's face, nor did he kiss her back.

However, He Peishan was satisfied enough.

He Boyuan and He Birong also have light on their faces.

They all know how the He family humbled before Shen Jingyu, begging for marriage.

Now, the situation has reversed. Shen Muhan has a higher status than Shen Jingyu, and is responsive to He Peishan, giving the He family a lot of face.

The auctioneer suddenly said: "Ah, um, I'm sorry, I found another earring of Miss Chu just now. It turned out to be accidentally dropped on the ground. Is this earring re-auctioned, or is it returned directly to Miss Chu? "

This sentence actually meant to solicit Chu Ning's opinion.

He Jiaojiao guessed that He Peishan wanted Chu Ning to lose his ugliness again.

What's more, He Peishan's necklace has already been auctioned for 80 million, no one will be higher than this price. Chu Ning's earrings are shot again, but it is more to set He Peishan as a foil.

Without waiting for Chu Ning to speak, He Jiaojiao said loudly, "Since I found it, why not auction it again? Anyway, everyone hasn't enjoyed it yet, right?"

"It doesn't matter if you auction one more time, it's considered to be a contribution to charity." Someone echoed.

"Yes, anyway, the money auctioned off tonight is going to be used for charity."

He Peishan was at the peak of joy and said with a smile: "Everyone should respect Miss Chu's meaning. See what Miss Chu said. What if Miss Chu is unwilling, right?"

Saying so, He Peishan actually wanted Chuning to quickly agree.

The price of several hundred thousand two million yuan like Chu Ning just happened to set off her 80 million yuan more and more.

What's more, the earring has been sold for two million. I am afraid that no one will care about the remaining one.

"Since it is for charity, let's auction it." Chu Ning also said conformally.

It doesn't matter anyway, and it's not a big deal.

What's the big deal even if you don't get a lot of prices?

This is a charity dinner, and she didn't come here to compete with He Peishan for the limelight.

"Then let's start again. This is Miss Chu's other earring. The starting price is still 10,000 yuan." The auctioneer said loudly.

Everyone knows that no one can match He Peishan in the limelight tonight, and even Lord Shen will not come here specifically for Chu Ning.

So for this increase in auctions, everyone is lacking in interest.

Some people even looked at Chu Ning like a joke: "Does Chu Ning think that this earring can defeat Miss He?"

"It must be impossible. The earring only sold for two million. How could this one sell for a good price?"

"It seems that she still doesn't give up, and doing so is just taking her own humiliation."

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