Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1137: It's against the sky!

Because Shen Jingyu did not appear, everyone naturally did not have much respect for Chu Ning.

He Yiming raised the sign.

Chu Ning smiled and said, "Big brother, don't need too much, it's almost the same with a little meaning."

"Okay, then five hundred thousand." He Yiming smiled.

He Jiaojiao sneered: "Miss, there really isn't much confidence over there."

He Peishan kept a slight smile, raised his head and looked to the front of the stage.

She doesn't seem to care about all of this at all.

But with both hands clasped, I was extremely satisfied with everything in front of me...

Chu Ning estimated that almost everything came to He Yiming and it was over.

However, before the auctioneer reminded, someone had directly increased the price: "100 million!"

It's from Chu Zhuohang!

When Chu Ning heard the word count clearly, he couldn't help but feel a little horrified. What is Chu Zhuohang doing? This is too shocking!

What the **** is 100 million?

Other people are naturally surging in various emotions. Just now, the highest bid was 2 million. This time, they opened 100 million directly?

Who is so rich?

You should know that the money of the rich is invested in various assets, and it is not an easy task to spend 100 million on the spot.

That's why Shen Muhan just bid a price of 80 million yuan before he was lifted to the sky.

Now someone has paid a price of 100 million yuan for Chu Ning?

This is completely against the sky!

Everyone looked at Chu Ning one after another.

Chu Ning could only smile slightly, and she didn't expect Chu Zhuohang to pay this price.

All she knows is that He Peishan's face is very ugly now, and the smile is just as stiff on her face.

The infinite glory just now has all been rubbed against the ground by this person's 100 million.

"Shanshan, why don't we take out another item and take another shot." Where would He Birong see her daughter suffer?

"But where can we get 100 million directly?" He Peishan shook his head and looked at Shen Muhan.

Obviously, it is unrealistic for him to take another 100 million in cash directly.

"I'll think of a way again." He Birong said.

He Peishan whispered to Shen Muhan: "Young Master Han, look at Chu Ning over there..."

"What are you going to do?" Shen Muhan asked patiently.

"Chuning is too popular, can we auction it again?" He Peishan asked.

Shen Muhan looked at her faintly: "What do you think?"

"We can get together, and my mother can help me. I don't want to lose to Chu Ning, I don't think you want to lose to the other people in the Shen family, right?" He Peishan pleaded, nails already pinched into the palm of his hand.

This is her battle to turn over, and she is going to lose to Chu Ning and He Yiming!

Overwhelming them, the glory and beauty she had just now can only be reduced to a laughing stock.

"Whatever you want." Shen Muhan said in a very cold tone. From his tone, he couldn't see his true intentions.

But He Peishan is ready to fight, isn't it 100 million? Can't suppress Chu Ning, she is not convinced!

The auctioneer on the stage was obviously the first time to see such a situation.

After adjusting for a few breaths, the auctioneer said with a vibrato: "Someone made another 100 million for Miss Chu's earring! 100 million, everyone, 100 million, please tell me, I did not hear it wrong?"

"One hundred million." The man raised the sign just now and said again.

"That, it's really 100 million!" The auctioneer exclaimed excitedly, "So 100 million once, 100 million twice..."

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