Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1177: Stand up and testify!

As soon as the news of this case came out, there was naturally a lot of trouble.

The He family vowed to make Chu Ning pay the price!

The old lady Shen, Ding Qinen and others were a little worried.

The presidential palace is in the center, and the two can only help each other.

Everything can only be done by the court and lawyers.

The court naturally did not dare to neglect.

They couldn't afford to provoke either of them, so they had to be serious about it, drew good soldiers and strong generals, and came to deal with this lawsuit.

He Jiaojiao found He Li.

"Sister, what are you looking for me?" He Li's attitude towards He Jiaojiao was very cold.

He Li has always disliked people like He Jiaojiao who cling to the He family and bowed their knees for fame and wealth.

"Do you remember the last time? Chu Ning came to rescue General He, and then gave He Birong an abortion medicine?" He Jiaojiao asked invitingly.

Hori kept frowning.

He understood what He Jiaojiao came to find himself for.

He said impatiently: "Sister, can you stop mixing with the He family? We have hands and feet, and we can completely earn the expenses we need in life. Why not have dignity and freedom like that?"

"What are you talking about, He Li? You are good. The whole family loves you and spoils you. Who has thought about my feelings? I just want to live more comfortably." He Jiaojiao said.

Seeing He Li not speaking, she softened her tone: "He Li, you saw that Chu Ning gave He Bi Rong medicine, right? At that time, can you come out to testify against Chu Ning? And your classmates and friends , They have seen it too, right?"

He Li raised his eyes to look at her: "You asked me to give a false certificate?"

"How can this be false evidence?" He Jiaojiao said immediately, "This is strong evidence. Now He Peishan is He Birong's daughter after all, and her testimony is not enough to be fully accepted. As long as you testify, you can definitely help. What family!"

She took He Li's hand: "He Li, think about it, how many people from the He family have been killed by Chu Ning? She occupied the position of the young grandmother of the Shen family in He Ning. Later, He Lu was murdered like that, now again. Killed He Birong's innocent child. Alas, if you say that a bad woman like her is not punished, wouldn't it chill everyone's hearts?"

"He Li, as long as you are willing to come out to testify, I promise that He Peishan will give a large sum of money to our parents, so that they can live a stable life early and live in peace of mind."

"Well, I'll testify. But the money doesn't need to be given to parents, they don't need it." He Li thought for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement.

He Jiaojiao was very happy, went to find He Peishan and told the story.

When He Peishan heard that, he could find another witness, which was a great advantage.

"Is your brother reliable?" He Peishan asked.

"I am here, why is it unreliable? Not only him, but also his classmates and friends can also come out to testify." He Jiaojiao said confidently.

Having helped He Peishan so much this time, she believes that the He family will be able to admire her with admiration.

He Peishan remembered the people of the He family, and his face was written all over his face, and the word fame and fortune was also daily talking about.

"Well, then arrange for him to meet with the lawyer."

"Miss, my brother is going to school and looking for a job. If he delays such a long time..." He Jiaojiao said suggestively.

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