Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1178: She is his possession

"I will ask the butler to give you a sum of money. What to say and what not to say, you have to explain to your brother."

"Thank you Miss!"

He Peishan's lawyer soon met with He Li and his classmates.

Now, He's chain of evidence is very complete.

The situation is quite unfavorable for Chu Ning.

The rumors and whispers from the outside world also spread very strongly.

Shen Jingyu simply took Chu Ning directly to the army, isolated these rumors from a distance, and waited for the day when the court officially opened.

Chu Ning played a hand in the army last time, and this time the disaster relief is on the front line, so it is very popular in the army.

Now she is in Shen Jingyu's guard team, not only Shen's grandmother, Shen's wife, but also herself.

Where she went, it was more popular than Shen Jingyu, and many people pulled her to ask questions.

"This gun would be better if used like this..."

"For the control of the horse, the use of this special technique will improve its coordination."

Chu Ning was also happy to discuss experience with them.

Of course she knew that Shen Jingyu was no worse than herself in these aspects.

It's just that he is very cold and serious, and his level makes it impossible for him to get along with them, so no one dares to ask him for advice.

That's why they find themselves.

After finishing the military affairs, Shen Jingyu asked Qiao Hai, "Where is Ningning?"

"Ms. Chu is on the racetrack, and we will discuss with everyone." Qiao Hai smiled, "I didn't expect that Miss Chu is getting better and better now, and her marksmanship has improved in the past two days."

Shen Jingyu was full of Rongyan expressions, saying "Of course my wife is the best".

This expression made Qiao Hai stunned. He hadn't seen such a brilliance on Shen Jingyu's face for several years.

When he used to look like this, it was when He Ning was there.

It seems that he has really come out of the grief that year.

This is really great. Qiao Hai has been working on Shen Fengshan's side for three or four years. He didn't personally follow Shen Jingyu, and he knew how frustrated he was during these four years.

Now that he is recovering, Qiao Hai is naturally happy for him.

When Shen Jingyu walked to the racecourse with a radiant face, his face suddenly sank.

It turns out that many people over there are pulling Chu Ning's and are discussing experience with her.

Chu Ning is now wearing military uniform, and everyone is discussing with her like a buddy.

Soldiers, they are all men, not to mention that they are so particular, and they are also very common.

Seeing someone's salty pig's hand resting on Chu Ning's shoulder, Shen Jingyu's own evil spirit made Qiao Hai's heart follow him tightly.

These people are really not particular about it, and it's no wonder that Lord Shen is so angry...

"General Shen is here!" Qiao Hai shouted.

When the people over there heard this sound, they all stood at attention, lined up and stood up straight.

Only Chu Ning didn't need to follow these rules and ran to Shen Jingyu quickly.

Shen Jingyu stretched out her hand around her waist, took off her hat, and her beautiful long hair floated out.

The palm-sized face was flushed with luster, and her long hair spread out to make her even more beautiful.

Shen Jingyu lowered his head and kissed Chu Ning's lips directly, seeming to declare to everyone that she is his possession.

Qiao Hai knows Shen Jingyu's careful thinking best.

And those soldiers, after a while, began to understand something gradually.

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