Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1184: For the rest of your life

"The incompetent always hopes to put their faults on others, and they don't want to face their own weakness and mistakes." Shen Muhan said flatly and left.

The subordinates didn't dare to try to figure out what he meant without authorization, so they quickly followed.

"Mommy, it's all my fault. I didn't protect you and brother. Don't be angry." He Peishan still said softly.

He Birong closed her eyes and said, "Okay, let's not mention this matter. Let's talk about your marriage with Mu Han first. If you get married, I can feel relieved for the time being."

With Shen Sihai as a backup force, He Birong can at least not have to confront Shen Jingyu head-on.

Only when she and He Peishan were able to sit back and relax.

The marriage of Shen Muhan and He Peishan was put on the agenda.

Both He Jia and Shen Sihai have entered the preparation cycle.

The Presidential Palace also began to rush to contribute to this matter.


Chu Ning is painting with Lele in the yard.

Lele was covered in paint, and his face looked like a little tabby cat.

Chu Ning couldn't help laughing as he looked at him.

Lele also laughed with Chu Ning.

Shen Jingyu stood not far away, watching the evening light fall on Chu Ning and Lele.

The golden light gave the mother and son a faint brilliance.

Against the light, he walked slowly towards their mother and son.

Lele stepped forward and grabbed his hand, and Chu Ning also turned around, with a trace of paint on his lips.

Shen Jingyu suddenly knelt down on one knee.

Lele stunned, Shen Jingyu stretched out his hand to hold him, and said to Chu Ning: "Ningning, marry me."

He has already dissolved the marriage relationship with the former He Ning, because now Chu Ning is no longer the former He Ning.

But correspondingly, his Ningning will never change, still the cute, kind, and beautiful girl before.

It is the girl he wants to promise to protect for a lifetime.

Chu Ning flushed with surprise, thinking that, at least until her affairs were all done, marriage would not be a topic to be put on the agenda.

Shen Jingyu saw her surprise, and said softly: "I don't want to let go. As long as there is a little possibility that you won't belong to me, I don't want it to exist."

Lele was a little surprised just now, I don't know what happened to Mommy and Dad.

But he quickly understood Shen Jingyu's words.

So, Dadbi and Mommy, are they getting married?

Is it the one that wears a wedding dress?

Lele was so excited that her entire face turned red, and suddenly a bright light came out in her eyes, looking at Chu Ning enthusiastically, waiting for Chu Ning's answer.

How could Chu Ning disagree?

From the beginning of my heart to Shen Jingyu, I have determined that for a lifetime, the wind and rain are him, the rainbow is him, the company is him, the guardian is him, and the happiness and sorrow are him.

It was him before, now it is him, and it will be him in the future.

She walked slowly to Shen Jingyu, lowered her head and took the initiative to kiss his thin lips, stretched out her hand to embrace Lele, and said softly: "I am willing. Jingyu, I am willing to be with you forever, and will never be separated forever."

Shen Jingyu stood up and embraced her and Lele at the same time.

"I'm just sorry, I can't give you a wedding right now." Shen Jingyu said guiltily.

Chu Ning understands that because of his identity, he has never been able to appear formally and squarely.

But so what?

As long as Shen Jingyu is there, she will always have grand and prosperous.

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