Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1185: Promise without regrets

It was his unchanging love and her promise without regrets.

Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning received the certificate.

Although it is the second time to receive the certificate, it is still the same as before, everything has not changed, except for the deeper feelings.

He Yiming and Ye Shu came to pick them up for dinner, and Chu Zhuohang drove.

Seeing Shen Jingyu and Chuning so happy, Ye Shu was full of envy.

He Yiming secretly stretched out his hand and placed it beside his leg.

Gu Yunchen said that as long as he works hard, he can walk within half a year.

He didn't want to propose to Ye Shu right now.

After half a year, when he can stand up, he will definitely propose her the most romantic marriage.

He has to pick her up with his own hands, instead of accepting her care as he does now.

The happiest is Lele.

He used to have no emotions and smiles often.

And now, he smiles happily almost every day.

He felt very clear about the attitude of the outside world, and the love that Dadbi and Mommy gave him gradually opened his heart.

When eating in the hotel box, Lele took the initiative to serve everyone with food, her little face was completely in charge of the little master.

"Lele is great!" Ye Shu's favorite and most distressed is Lele. "In the future, my aunt will give birth to a good-looking son like Lele."

Lele raised a smile and squinted at Ye Shu with a smile.

"It's not auntie." He Yiming touched Lele's head and corrected with a smile, "It's aunt."

Lele nodded heavily, agreeing with He Yiming's words.

Ye Shu smiled crookedly in He Yiming's arms: "But you said it yourself, you are not allowed to deny it in the future."

"Dad will always be together than Mommy!" Ping Ping An'an made a video call and said in unison on the phone.

He looked very careless.

Although An An said blessings in her mouth, in fact, she was a little reluctant in her heart.

He will marry Ningning when he grows up. How could Dad be ahead of schedule?

He hasn't grown up yet!

Dadbi is a shame!

But seeing Ningning so happy, he could only bless against his will.

However, I was not willing at all!

"Thank you baby, thank you Ping An'an. Huh, kiss." Chu Ning is so happy, she hasn't seen Ping An'an for a long time, and she misses her.

An An wrinkled the tip of her nose.

Shen Jingyu discovered that his son was unhappy.

Although the father and son were not close enough all the time, for Ningning's children, Shen Jingyu loved them as much as he loved Ningning.

"Can you talk for a while?" he said to An An.

An An was a little twitchy, and he always felt that there was nothing to talk about with this powerful rival.

Of course, in the end, he still agreed, just take it, and give him a chance.

Seeing the awkwardness of the father and son, Chu Ning couldn't help but laugh. Knowing that Ping Anan cares about herself, she whispered: "In two days, Dad will come to see you better than Mommy, okay?"

"Oh!" Now, An An was really happy.

Then, because the three brothers wanted to whisper, Lele held the tablet and sat aside to chat with Ping Ping An.

Looking at the appearance of the three little guys, the adults couldn't help but laugh.

Obviously Lele never said a word, but the three of them could actually communicate.

Especially for peace, comfort, and happiness, probably because of the relationship between twins and the ability to communicate without language.

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