Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1198: Such a woman makes fun of Lele

Why is this neural reflex arc so long?

Lele just shed tears and did not speak.

At this time, even Chu Ning was anxious, and kept coaxing him.

She hadn't seen Lele crying like this for a long time, and the big tears in her eyes broke her heart.

However, Lele couldn't say a word, and the more excited he was, the more impossible it was to tell the whole story.

"Qiao Hai, check what happened just now!" Shen Jingyu said coldly.

Although Pan Zhihua was scared, he felt calm when he thought that Lele couldn't say a word.

What can a fool do?

Without waiting for Qiao Hai to investigate, Lele took out a carrot pen from her pocket.

This was given to him by Chu Ning to write.

Moreover, it has a recording function.

Lele pressed the play button.

Inside, Pan Zhihua's clear voice came: "Lele, I'll accompany you."

When this sentence came out, Pan Zhihua was shocked!

Lele, actually recorded what she said just now!

how can that be? This fool...

She couldn't wait to step forward to grab Lele's pen and crush it.

But it was impossible. At this moment, Shen Jingyu had realized something, and his indifferent eyes pierced towards Pan Zhihua like ice ridges.

"It's not me, I didn't, I didn't say..." Pan Zhihua didn't confess at all, because Lele's pen hadn't been put into her next words.

Just when Pan Zhihua tried to deny it, she heard her clear and incomparable voice——

-"Boy, I heard you can't speak? Are you dumb?"

——"Little ghost, do you know that you don't have a mother at all, and your dad will throw you away. No one in the Shen family wants you at all."

——"A fool like you, even if you get slapped a few times, no one will know, right? You can't tell anyone anyway."

——"What to look at, believe it or not, I will throw you on the street for the bad guys to pick it up!"

——"Uncle Shen, Lele is really cute and well-behaved."

These words of Pan Zhihua's insult to the children are in sharp contrast with the polite words she said to Shen Fengshan.

When facing innocent and weak children, he could say such vicious words, and in a blink of an eye, he wanted to please his elders again!

Chu Ning raised her eyes, his eyes were cold, staring at Pan Zhihua.

Her baby, let a woman like Pan Zhihua be insulted!

Her Lele is full of defense against this world, but this kind of woman still uses him for fun.

The whole living room was quiet, and Shen Fengshan and Mrs. Shen breathed heavily with anger.

Ding Qinen and Shen Ye also looked angry.

Chu Ning stood up, walked in front of Pan Zhihua, slapped it **** the face, and slapped Pan Zhihua in the face.

A slap made the corners of her lips stained with blood.

At this time, Pan Zhihua really came back to his senses, covering his face, and said in trepidation: "Sorry, Grandma Shen, Uncle Shen, Lord Shen, I... I just saw the young master not talking, so I am making fun of him There is no malice..."

At this moment, she was really out of her soul, no matter how she wanted to, she was a fool's Lele in her mind, many times smarter than her.

In addition to not being talkative and being too defensive to the outside world, it is not something a woman of her level can bully.

His counterattack can be described as quick and cruel!

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