Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1199: Slap face directly

Fu Meirou also recovered.

Pan Zhihua has no friendship with Shen Jiaben, and it stands to reason that he would never have the opportunity to visit his home in his lifetime.

It was she who took Pan Zhihua and Jiang Yue, and sometimes it was convenient to say a few good things for herself.

Where did you think that you would break into such a big basket!

Without waiting for Chu Ning to fight again, Fu Meirou took over Chu Ning's wrist: "Miss Chu, such a person, I should fight, and you don't need to get your precious hands dirty."

At this moment, Fu Meirou sincerely wanted to give a severe lesson to Pan Zhihua, the pig teammate!

She was more angry than Chu Ning, not because she was insulting Lele, but because she had no brains for doing this kind of offensive thing.

Lele is regarded as a treasure by the Shen family, a smart person, who would dare to do such a stupid thing to the end?

Fu Meirou replaced Chu Ning and slapped Pan Zhihua's face with several slaps.

She was still wearing a ring on her hand, and she beat Pan Zhihua to **** face with a few strokes.

It can be seen that Fu Meirou has exerted a lot of strength. She usually follows her uncle Jiang Qi in the military camp for a long time, and her strength is much greater than that of ordinary women.

Such a fierce fight is not something Pan Zhihua can bear.

But she knew that she had to fight.

If she doesn't fight, the Shen family will not only hate Pan Zhihua, even she will hate it.

This is the situation she least wants to see.

"Miss Fu, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, please forgive me. I really know I was wrong!" Pan Zhihua cried out in tears.

Tears and nasal mucus rushed out.

Shen Jingyu's eyes were as deep as a cold pool, and it was so cold that he said: "If you want to fight, get out and fight. Lele can't see you filthy things!"

"Jingyu, I'm sorry. I have no choice but to discipline the subordinates." Fu Meirou had no choice but to apologize and bowed to everyone in the Shen family. "I'm sorry, Grandma Shen, Uncle Shen, Aunt Shen, Shen Ye, Lele."

She didn't do the thing, but she still had to apologize.

Pan Zhihua was also crying bitterly while apologizing.

"Get out!" Shen Jingyu said coldly.

In view of Fu Meirou's past status, Shen Jingyu is still polite to her on the surface, and never speaks like that.

But at this moment, it was his Ningning and Lele that were hurting, and there was no superficial effort to do.

Fu Meirou also knew that the Shen family didn't let people break Pan Zhihua's legs. It was already on the face of the presidential palace.

She had to take Jiang Yue and Pan Zhihua out together.

Jiang Yue was too scared to say a word, and kept complaining about Pan Zhihua's stupidity.

To bully other people's dear ones, now it's okay, you can't even fight a three-year-old child.

This matter can hardly be justified anywhere.

Fu Meirou suffocated the fire in her stomach, and when she left, she vented all on Pan Zhihua's body.

She is usually used to being a lady, and she has long been less than doing it herself.

At this moment, he was so angry that he slapped Pan Zhihua violently.

Her efforts to please the old lady Shen in the past few months are not as powerful as Pan Zhihua's stabbing Louzi this time. How can she not become angry?

Chu Ning picked up Lele, feeling distressed.

Shen Jingyu also blamed himself, he left a moment of effort, and it turned out to be a loophole.

The old lady Shen was so angry that she wanted to go to the presidential palace to settle the account: "I want to ask Fu Hongxuan personally, what kind of garbage their presidential palace uses!"

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