Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1248: Eat a bunch of flying vinegar

Moreover, the other party didn't even understand how or why he died like this.

Shen Xuanming knew that the relationship between Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning was abnormal, but couldn't get any evidence, couldn't get the stone hammer, and was upset.

The paparazzi that Pan Zhihua looked for before, the entire company and personnel evaporated silently.

The other paparazzi didn't understand what was going on, but they were all cautious in their words and deeds.

Shen Xuan did not want to arrange other people to shoot.

She was afraid of something wrong.

Finally, she decided to go with He Jiaojiao by herself.

As long as Chu Ning and Chu Zhuohang are together, she will definitely have a chance to shoot them.

Chu Ning was indeed with Chu Zhuohang.

Although Shen Jingyu, a jealous demon, is always jealous, Lele, a little guy, recently said that he likes to go to Chu Zhuohang to play.

For the physical and mental health of his son, Shen Jingyu had to retreat to second place.

What's more, intellectually, Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning are brothers and sisters, and there will be no mess.

Lele was playing around.

When Chu Ning heard Chu Zhuohang talk about Pan Zhihua, Chu Ning was dumbfounded: "So, why don't you tell me? I also want to participate."

"You drank some wine at the time. When I sent you back, Shen Jingyu wanted to eat people. In the next thing, where would I dare to let you participate? Shen Jingyu couldn't eat me?"

"Okay." Chu Ning rubbed his waist.

No wonder Shen Jingyu has been so fierce these past few days that she has been confined to the bed and hated to get down.

It turned out to have eaten a bunch of flying vinegar from Chu Zhuohang.

"Shen Xuan always feels that the relationship between the two of us is not normal, and I have to take pictures of us and give them to Shen Jingyu." Chu Zhuohang said, "However, there are no paparazzi who dare to take jobs now. At least, the last two No months."

"Then you said she would come by herself?" Chu Ning really didn't know why these daughters couldn't think about it so much.

You see, Gu Baoyan took a step back, and now he is successful in his studies, has fallen in love, and has a broad vision.

Why does Shen Xuan Jiangyue have to do such a thing that harms others and himself?

"Definitely." Chu Zhuohang said, "especially if you are with me today."

Chu Ning sighed helplessly: "I really have nothing to do when I'm full. Brother, do you have any arrangements?"

"It hasn't been arranged yet."

Chu Ning's eyes rolled: "I have a good way to let Shen Xuan collapse."

She took out her mobile phone and called Xiao Zhan and Ye Shu.

Chu Zhuohang couldn't help laughing, well, Chu Ning's method was enough to kill Shen Xuan's spirit.

Shen Xuan took He Jiaojiao, took a high-power camera, and rode in a very low-key car, and appeared around Chu Zhuohang's residence.

Shen Xuan not only wanted to hit Chu Ning, but also wanted to frustrate the spirits of Shen Jingyu and the old lady Shen.

I want to throw the evidence on their faces and ask them, is this the person you trust? Is this your vision?

The feelings of imbalance and dissatisfaction with the old lady Shen's devotion to Shen Fengshan's family are always pervading Shen Sihai's family.

Shen Jingyu and Shen Ye were born with a golden spoon, and they owned the Shen Group.

As for their family, they had to work hard, and finally got a place, but they were still not recognized by Mrs. Shen!

Therefore, Shen Xuan would not give up any opportunity to hit the old lady Shen and Shen Jingyu.

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