Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1249: Watch your own results

Of course, what happened this time was more of her selfishness.

He Jiaojiao and Shen Xuan looked at Chu Zhuohang's house together.

However, they are too far apart to see anything.

The two of them simply walked down, pretending to be tourists, and patted each other.

Even the people around Chu Zhuohang couldn't come to drive them away.

At this moment, a group of people ran towards Shen Xuan and He Jiaojiao.

The people in the front shouted loudly: "It's them, hurry up and catch them! Sneaky, they must be those bastards!"

"Wearing sunglasses, holding a camera, sneaking, isn't it they or who?"

"Go, get rid of these terrible illegitimate meals together!"

Before He Jiaojiao and Shen Xuan understood what was going on, they were pushed and shoved into the crowd by these people.

The sentiment was exciting, although they didn't directly hit them, but such pushing and kicking by some people secretly punched and kicked, and the delicate skinny Shen Xuan and He Jiaojiao couldn't bear it.

However, in order not to attract people's attention, Shen Xuan didn't bring bodyguards at all.

Now, the two of them simply can't resist so many people.

It turned out that there was a little fresh meat recently, who was chased by an illegitimate meal without any privacy at all. Even where he lived, which relatives he had, what he ate at noon, the license plate number and house number were all exposed.

This little fresh meat was very angry, and angrily accused this behavior of illegitimate rice on Weibo.

The so-called **** meal is the kind of fans who behave extremely crazy and selfishly.

Xiao Xianrou's anger caused other stars to respond, and his fans felt very sorry for him.

It just so happened that this little fresh meat was interviewed by Ye Shu recently.

Chu Ning called Ye Shu and asked Ye Shu to announce the news of the interview.

Now, everyone knows that Xiaoxianrou is in the west of Portugal.

And Chu Ning let Xiao Zhan secretly announce the whereabouts of the "illegal meal" among those loyal fans.

These dozens of fans, who are already unusually loyal, are hanging around outside looking for "illegal food" so that they will no longer harass Xiaoxianrou.

After knowing where the **** meal was, they rushed over immediately, chasing and intercepting it.

"Make you selfish! Let you shoot indiscriminately!"

"Let you be an illegitimate meal! Let you disclose the privacy of others casually!"

"The camera was confiscated! It was smashed, it was smashed for them!"

Shen Xuan and He Jiaojiao did not understand what had happened, and their bodies were already blue and purple.

When the two of them broke through and got in the car, these fans were still chasing them and warned them loudly: "Tell you not to come again! Otherwise we will definitely call the police!"

Shen Xuan's whole body and face were blue, and she grinned with pain when she touched it.

"It's really hateful!" Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning were obviously about to be photographed, but they were blocked again.

The people below, she must make them pay!

Shen Xuan and He Jiaojiao were in pain, and the car door was knocked open.

Chu Ning's smiling face was revealed, and Shen Xuan was angry when she saw her face, but she still had to smile.

"It turned out to be Miss Shen. I thought who was being beaten, so I hurried out to have a look. How about, isn't the injury serious?" Chu Ning asked with a smile.

I was concerned in my mouth, but in my eyes, I looked at my own results.

Shen Xuan gritted her teeth with anger.

"What's the matter with these people, they beat people in the public." Chu Ning sighed, "The public security is really bad these days."

[My data has dropped very quickly recently, I need your subscription and voting support, thank you little angels. 】

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