Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 126: Worry about everything about her

Just imagine, if Xie Yichen hadn't come forward, how could Nie Tianhua give this face?

"If Lawyer Nie comes forward, then our affairs will be settled." He Hongtao nodded, feeling at ease.

Gong Zeye was worried.

"What are you afraid of? The judge also has to believe the evidence." He Ning pursed his lips, "Let's go in."

He Hongtao and He Manni glanced at He Ning triumphantly.

They were full of smiles and walked towards Nie Tianhua.

With a very professional and standard smile on his face, Nie Tianhua gave them a slight jaw, and then directly passed them and walked towards He Ning.

Amidst everyone's astonished eyes, Nie Tianhua stretched out his hand to He Ning: "Miss He, I am the attorney in charge of your case. I hope we can cooperate happily today."

Not to mention other people, even He Ning was very surprised.

Before, Shen Jingyu had said that he would help her, but for several days in a row, he neither saw He Ning nor spoke to her.

Thinking of that night, he took the initiative to offer a kiss and was completely rejected by Shen Jingyu, and He Ning was too embarrassed to continue looking for him.

The only thing she has left is her pride and dignity, how can she beg for him?

She originally wanted to solve the matter by herself, who knew that the people of the He family were too shameless, and Xie Yichen also helped them many times.

Now that Nie Tianhua is seen, He Ning understands that this must be the relationship that Shen Jingyu has mobilized to help her.

He didn't show up, but was he still concerned about everything about her?

He Ning didn't have time to think, stretched out his hand and shook Nie Tianhua: "Hello, lawyer Nie, thank you for coming from afar. I'm bothering you."

"It's okay, can you give me Ms. He's information? I want to read it again in detail." Nie Tianhua took a very professional attitude and entered the working state in a second.

He Ning took out all his information.

Gong Zeye was at the side, and finally felt relieved, but he did not figure out that this Nie Tianhua has always handled all kinds of big cases, not to mention cases in other places, even in Jingyuan City, it is a big figure to come forward before he can ask for it. his.

How did the lady invite him this time?

Both He Hongtao and He Manni couldn't hold on to their faces. In front of so many people, they thought that Nie Tianhua was looking for them. Who knew that Nie Tianhua didn't pay attention to them at all.

At this moment, the three people looked at each other, all a little unsure.

Even the lawyer Chen they invited stood aside, and under Nie Tianhua's aura, he couldn't help but shrink back a bit.

It seems that attorney Chen can only bite the bullet in this case.

When entering the court hearing, He Ning looked around and found no sign of Shen Jingyu.

My heart is not disappointed, he is so busy, she can help invite Nie Tianhua, she is already grateful, why should he expect him to come in person?

In the presence of the judge, Nie Tianhua presented evidence: “He Ning’s equity transfer agreement is not her handwriting. This is an appraisal made by handwriting experts. In addition, the company and equity under He Ning’s name are from that year. The verifiability of Mrs. He’s suicide note was left to He Ning. Therefore, we implore the judge to determine what He Ning belongs to.

"When He Ning signed the equity transfer agreement, many people witnessed it with their own eyes..." He Manni couldn't help standing up and saying loudly.

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