Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 127: Do this kind of mischievous thing

"At that time, I was forced to sign, but in fact, I didn't really sign my name. Because how could I give up my mother's stuff and give it to outsiders?" He Ning stood up and said. In a word, the look is firm.

Hermanni said loudly: "Sister, you forgot, I am your twin sister, not an outsider, but the mother's biological daughter. You have also forgotten that when you are sick, I would rather give up my health and life. Come to protect you and donate your kidneys. So you gave me things voluntarily at the beginning, but you later spent your wallet outside to raise a cowherd, and he squandered the money if he didn't have enough money. You regret it, so you have to take the company back!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

What He Manni said was reasonable and irrefutable. Everyone's accusation was cast on He Ning.

Doubts and contempt, Chao He Ning shot like sharp arrows one after another.

"This He Ning is also true, looking beautiful, but doing such sloppy things..."

"I heard that she really took care of the Cowherd, tut tut, really knowing people, knowing each other and not knowing what to do, how can a young girl do this kind of indiscriminate things."

"Speaking of which, it is reasonable for Hermanie to take the company and equity back. It's better than taking it and being squandered by the Cowherd?"

Seeing that everyone was on her side, Hermanni was even more confident and continued: "Sister, we all have the right to inherit what Mommy left behind, but we all have the responsibility to take good care of it. You are seriously ill, and now again. Bewildered by the wild men outside, my dad and I had to manage the company for you and inherit my mother's last wish. Everything we did was for your own good and not to disappoint Mommy!"

This remark was so deep and righteous that even the judge cast a sympathetic and agreeable look at Hermanni.

When looking at He Ning, many people are mourning his misfortune, angering him, and hating him for being confused.

Attorney Chen tidied up his clothes, and the lawsuit that he thought would be a fiasco turned round.

It seems that even the presence of a barrister like Nie Tianhua is of no avail.

Perhaps today, he may defeat Nie Tianhua and become famous.

The right time, the right place, and the right people are all in line. Hermanni’s tone was unconcealed with pride, and said: "Your Honor, I implore you to give a fair and just ruling."

The more He Manni talked, the more confident He Ning became.

Because she was holding the killer mace in her hand, she was not afraid of her saying more, but she was afraid that she would not.

When He Manni had said enough, He Ning took a deep look at Nie Tianhua.

Nie Tianhua stood up and said, "I have a piece of evidence that I want to submit to the judge."

He took the evidence up, and then said to everyone: "About my client, Miss He Ning, she has retired from her original fiancé. It is just a normal relationship. I don’t know why. Some people will say that she has a cowboy. May I ask. Is there evidence?"

"This..." He Manni and He Hongtao looked at each other.

Of course, they could not produce evidence to prove that Shen Jingyu was the Cowherd. They only heard the Xie family mention that He Ning had taken the Cowherd, so they kept using this statement.

"He Ning, young and beautiful, in charge of the company's performance, talented and handsome, the former fiance is also the young master of a dignified family. With such an identity, why does she need to raise a cowboy?"

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