Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1260: Chu Ning, what are you?

Many people who really like painting showed sincere and admiring eyes at the "Step-by-Step Picture".

There are also some people who want to watch every detail in detail right away.

Some people may only have the opportunity to see this world-class painting at such close range.

"Miss Gu, can I see your paintings now?" Shen Xuan asked.

But I looked at Gu Baoyan and Chu Ning contemptuously.

I have already brought out a famous painting of this level. What good things can Gu Baoyan and Chu Ning come up with?

They, but they will soon become their own foil.

Gu Baoyan handed over his painting.

The person next to you, open it immediately.

After opening, Shen Xuan couldn't help but laughed, covering her mouth, wanting to laugh but not directly smiling.

Everyone in the audience could see clearly that what Gu Baoyan took out turned out to be Yan Liben's "Step by Step Picture".

It was the pair that Shen Xuan brought out just now.

The "Step by Step Picture" Shen Xuan took out has been defined by Han Song as true.

Unexpectedly, Gu Baoyan would come up with another "Footprint".

Doesn't this make people laugh out of their teeth?

Even if Gu Baoyan casually brought out something else, it was not so brilliant, but at least it wouldn't be as embarrassing as it is now.

There was a burst of laughter in the audience.

He Jiaojiao was the first to stand up and look down on Gu Baoyan: "I heard that Miss Gu studied art and went to the United States to study, but looking like this, isn't she not very good at learning art?"

"Miss Gu, where did you buy this painting?"

The other guests, unwilling to offend Gu Yunchen, couldn't help but reminded in a low voice: "Miss Gu, you should have left just now. Seeing that Ms. Shen has come up with real paintings, why are you so honest?"

Shen Xuan really didn't expect that Gu Baoyan would take her face up and beat herself.

This tone is really refreshing and neat.

She didn't need to make a sound anymore, just He Jiaojiao had already humiliated Gu Baoyan without a word.

He Jiaojiao said: "Ms. Gu, in fact, this painting of yours is also a good copy. For the sake of the friendship between the Shen family and the Gu family, Ms. Shen will buy it later and show it to everyone, so that everyone can enjoy it. Look at the difference between real paintings and fake paintings."

She insisted that Gu Baoyan was a fake painting.

Before Gu Baoyan could speak, He Jiaojiao looked at Chu Ning again.

After all, Shen Xuan and He Jiaojiao are actually not that hostile to Gu Baoyan, and they don't want to really hit Gu Jia's face red and swollen.

The main thing they want to hit is Chu Ning's face.

"Miss Chu, what painting did you bring?" He Jiaojiao asked.

"Yan Liben's "Step by Step Picture"." Chu Ning replied, smoothly and unfolded the painting in his hand.

The guests in the audience didn't wait to see Chu Ning's unfolded painting clearly, they couldn't help but say: "This is too ridiculous, what kind of copy works of cats and dogs are brought here?"

"Those who don't understand art should stop being arty. Not everyone knows how to appreciate paintings, and not everyone knows how to distinguish the authenticity."

These people all have the meaning of courting Gu Yunchen, so their attitude towards Gu Baoyan is relatively mild.

But Chu Ning?

Chu Ning, what are you?

When you have Lord Shen, you can still give you some face, but you and Lord Shen are neither engaged nor married, at best they can be regarded as a relationship between a boy and girl friend.

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