Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1261: Just ruin it

Why should everyone give you Chu Ning face when Lord Shen is away?

And the guests were all coming for Shen Xuan, and they were never willing to please Chu Ning.

He Jiaojiao smiled so much that his face was about to bloom: "Ah, Miss Chu, you also brought the "Footprint". I didn't expect that you, who are already with Lord Shen, have not yet been tasted by Lord Shen. It's affected. I thought that after you follow Master Shen, your vision will become better."

Everyone couldn't help laughing: "Although the one who is near the ink is black and the one who is near the red is red, if a person's ability to taste is very low, then this person, even if he is with someone, cannot become better. ."

"That is, like Ms. Shen, if you study hard for a long time, you will have the opportunity to become better. Chu Ning is like this, tusk tusk..."

Everyone shook their heads.

Shen Xuan was even more proud. She really didn't expect Chu Ning to be stupid than Gu Baoyan.

In this situation, they had already taken out the genuine products, and they also took out the fake ones one after another.

In the art industry, what everyone dislikes most is this endless stream of fakes.

Shen Xuan said with a smile: "The art of calligraphy and painting is a deep knowledge, and it is also a shining jewel in the long history of our country. I have also studied for more than 20 years before I started a little bit. Ms. Chu and Ms. Gu learned soon. It’s already a great thing to be able to get this level of copy works."

On the surface, it is self-effacing, but in fact, what it means is to belittle Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan, and to promote his artistic attainments.

Presumably, when Shao Quan heard his performance in the background, he would love him even more, right?

Chu Ning, who hadn't spoken all the time, didn't change his expression a bit.

At this moment, she finally spoke and asked Shen Xuan calmly: "Miss Shen, do you think Baoyan and I's "Step by Step Picture" is a copy of the work?"

Shen Xuan said in a big way: "Miss Chu, this one of mine is a genuine one, so you and Baoyan's must not be. Otherwise, wouldn't there be three genuine ones in this world? But the two you brought This is a work that has been copied well, so it is not completely worthless, and there is still a certain degree of artistic attainment."

"Miss Shen took a closer look? So sure?" Chu Ning asked rhetorically.

"Of course I watched it carefully." Shen Xuan lowered her head and continued to read, "The paintings you brought are light in ink. Although the pen is elegant and cheerful, the real is the real, and the copy is the copy. The fake can never become real. of."

The guests in the audience nodded in agreement with Shen Xuan's words.

Even if you don’t know how to paint, you know that there can only be one genuine product.

Since Shen Xuan's was confirmed by Han Song himself, Gu Baoyan and Chu Ning's must be fake.

And who is Han Song?

Even museums like the Louvre have invited him to sit in the town for many years, and are well-known internationally.

Everyone knows that his character is the most rigorous, and he never tells lies for profit.

Whether you are an ordinary person, a nobleman or even a president, he will stick to his principles.

Shen Xuan's is true, and Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan's are definitely false.

Shen Xuan smiled and said: "There are also good works copied, Miss Chu, Miss Gu, I am willing to accept your paintings at a high price."

He Jiaojiao couldn't help but said: "I don't think it's true anyway, just ruin it! Destroy the fake and keep the truth, so as not to enter the market and refill the number!"

After speaking, she raised her hand to pour a cup of tea on the paintings of Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan.

[Author's words: Congratulations to reader A Rui for becoming the leader of this book, and congratulations to myself, I finally have a leader after writing the book for so long, happy! I have saved some manuscripts these days, and I will add more commemorations at the beginning of April. I also thank all the readers little angels for their support, love you all]

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