Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1262: Miss Chu, you are too savage

Chu Ning stopped He Jiaojiao and pushed her hand out.

A cup of hot tea did not spill on the painting, but He Jiaojiao was spilled all over, making her irritated and painful.

He Jiaojiao took the opportunity to sit on the ground with a painful expression: "Miss Chu, you are too savage! Just talk, is it guilty to treat me like this?"

The guests couldn't help saying, "Yes, what are you doing without ruining fake things? He Jiaojiao is right. It's Chu Ning, who is from an inferior background, actually beating people in public?"

"Chuning really isn't worthy of Lord Shen. He doesn't look like everyone else, not even Xiaojiabiyu. It's really a vixen behavior."

Shen Xuan's expression also changed. Chu Ning actually hit He Jiaojiao in public. Wouldn't it mean that she hit her in the face?

"Ms. Chu, are you too much? Although Jiaojiao was a little bit arbitrary, she was right. I only said to keep your paintings for you. In fact, such works are not worthy of being put in Art Exhibition Center!" Shen Xuan said in air.

Anyway, it was Chu Ning who humiliated herself, and she didn't need to continue to be courteous to her and continue to give her face.

Chu Ning smiled and looked at Shen Xuan: "Miss Shen, these two paintings by Bao Yan and I are invaluable. He Jiaojiao ruined them. Can you afford it?"

Before Shen Xuan could speak, the others laughed: "Hahahaha, what a joke. It's just a copy of the work, it's invaluable?"

"The tone is really not small, but what is false is false, and it will never become true!"

Chu Ning smiled in Han Song's direction: "Master Han, what do you say?"

Han Song stood farther away just now.

However, famous paintings are very attractive to him.

When Chu Ning overthrew He Jiaojiao just now, he had already stepped forward, holding a magnifying glass to look at the steps that Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan had brought.

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Han Song turned a deaf ear and continued to watch seriously.

The guests shook their heads: "Why would Lord Shen fall in love with a woman like Chu Ning?"

"Does it mean that I also have a chance?" said a businessman's daughter.

"Yeah, even Chu Ning can see it. It is estimated that we all have a chance. It's just that we don't have a chance to go to Shen Ye."

Shen Xuan held her arm, and Chu Ning really cooperated today. After hitting the left cheek, she stretched out her right cheek to let herself hit.

I really want to have a good time.

Han Song suddenly raised his head and said, "It's a miracle, a miracle."

"Father Han, my painting is real, isn't it?" Chu Ning said.

"Yes, Ms. Chu, the "Footprint" you brought is true. Fortunately, you stopped people just now and protected this painting. Otherwise, we people would have no face even if we went underground. See the ancestors." Han Song said, looking at He Jiaojiao, his eyes became very cold.

People like him don't care about their reputation and status anymore. What they care about is to protect these rare and authentic items, and to keep the precious cultural relics for generations to come.

"How is it possible?" someone in the audience asked, "Master Han, are you wrong? Could it be that Miss Shen's is a fake?"

Shen Xuan's expression also changed drastically: "Master Han, how can there be two genuine products in this world?"

"Not only the "Footprint" brought by Ms. Chu is genuine, even Ms. Gu brought it. These three pictures are exactly the same and genuine." Old Man Han said.

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