Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1301: Be fair to yourself

In "He Ning", they invest in the future and Shen Jingyu.

Obviously, these have no value.

When they heard the wind, they all rushed over, blocking He Peishan who was about to leave.

"Miss He, you can't leave like this. Our business is not over yet." An employee stopped her.

"Miss He, I hope you will return us all the money we invested. I am also a young man and a young man..."

"Miss He, please return the money to me!"

He Peishan was surrounded in the middle, and was prevented from leaving.

Qin Zheng couldn't help but moved his compassion, and stepped forward and said, "You can let Miss He leave first."

With Qin Zheng's relief, He Peishan quickly escaped from these people and immediately went downstairs and took a taxi to leave.

Seeing that Qin Zheng had let go of "He Ning", these people could not help but say to Qin Zheng, "Assistant Qin, you have to be the master for us. This He Ning has taken away a lot of us." A lot of money is all our savings."

"Assistant Qin, you have to help us."

"Assistant Qin, if you don't help us, we really won't be able to survive!"

After Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning sent off Quan Bo for the exhibition, they saw this scene when they came back.

His sword eyebrows could not help but a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

When those people saw Shen Jingyu appearing, they dared not speak much for a while, and stood up straight one by one, silent.

"What happened here?" Shen Jingyu said lightly.

Everyone looked up together and saw that Shen Jingyu was holding Chu Ning's hand, and the two stood side by side, standing in front of them.

From Shen Jingyu's attitude, it can be seen that he has deep feelings for Chu Ning.

Moreover, there is absolutely no plan to let go.

These people even felt that they were deceived by "He Ning". Seeing Shen Jingyu's initiative to ask questions, a bolder stood up and said, "Master Shen, that He Ning cheated our investment..."

"He Ning? Lie?" A cold light flashed past Shen Jingyu's eyes.

He absolutely didn't want to hear any bad words, put them together with He Ning.

Although, Chu Ning nowadays no longer needs that name.

"I, we..." Even though those people are bolder, they dare not say anything at this moment.

They couldn't figure out what Shen Ye meant at all.

It seems that nothing is right, saying that He Ning is good? That definitely won't work, Chu Ning is here.

Say that He Ning is not good? But what Shen Ye meant, it seemed that he couldn't bear such a statement at all.

They all looked at each other...

Looks like, can you just eat this dumb?

Shen Jingyu looked at them calmly and asked, "What do you mean, do you invest money in'He Ning'?"

"Yes, yes, Shen, that's what we mean. We did invest..." the leader said.

The other people were all amused for a while. Could it be that Lord Shen actually wanted to take care of this matter?

Is it true that Lord Shen wants to be fair to himself?

Smiles appeared on their faces immediately.

"Qin Zheng, please record, the entire company, which employees and business partners have contact with'He Ning', and who else has invested in her." Shen Jingyu said to Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng was slightly stunned, but immediately responded.

Those people are overjoyed!

It seems that Lord Shen really wants to be fair to himself!

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