Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1302: Don't keep people like you

It turned out that the rumors were correct, and Lord Shen really had no feelings for He Ning anymore.

Not only that, but Lord Shen will help everyone by getting all the money they invested.

"All the employees who have invested, go to the Finance Department to settle their wages, you are all fired!"

"All the business partners who have invested, from now on, your business with the Shen Group will end!"

"You can't even distinguish between true and false, Shen Group, don't keep people like you!"

After Shen Jingyu said these few words, he took Chu Ning's hand and turned and left.

Not only those people, but even Qin Zheng was taken aback.

Immediately, those people reacted and wailed.

Qin Zheng also reacted. It turned out that "He Ning" was fake?

Since Lord Shen said it was fake, it must be fake!

It's no wonder that Shen Ye was indifferent to this, and Qin Zheng was also shocked in a cold sweat, and he wanted to help "He Ning" himself.

These people panicked: "Assistant Qin, what should we do? Assistant Qin, can you help us figure out a solution? Assistant Qin, can you help us talk to Lord Shen?"

These people regretted not at the beginning.

They slapped their heads one by one, deeply regretting the decision they had made.

I really lost my wife and broke down.

Qin Zheng coughed lightly and said, "Everyone, I can't help you with this matter. At the beginning, Miss Chu asked me again and again to remind you that if you are deceived because of'He Ning', don't go to Shen Lord cry. Besides, this is still a fake He Ning. Think about it, the real young grandma has not come back for a few years, how could she rashly appear? Besides, there are many people who wanted to pretend to be young grandmother before, where are they? Successful? Think about it yourself."

These people, what else are they thinking about, all that is left is to beat their feet and chests.


In the evening, Shen Jingyu hosted a banquet to invite Quan Bozhan and Quan Si Li.

Chu Ning also accompanied him.

During the dinner, Shen Jingyu seriously mentioned what happened to "He Ning" today.

"That's not really He Ning. Because Chu Ning is He Ning. For some reason, my wife changed her name and changed her surname and returned to me, but we didn't make it public." Shen Jingyu said frankly.

Quan Bozhan was startled, then smiled: "Understand, understand."

As a consortium developing in the United States, he has also heard a little about the incident that the United States had persecuted Shen Jingyu before.

Shen Jingyu's candid notification of this incident also shows his sincerity.

Shen Sihai and Shi Hui wanted to use this matter to plant a seed of suspicion in Quan Bozhan's heart, only to be completely resolved by Shen Jingyu's simple words.

As for why Shen Jingyu temporarily didn't tell everyone in the world that He Ning's fake, it was because he had no evidence to prove that she was fake.

It is also impossible for him to push Chu Ning to the top of the wind to bear the pressure at this moment.

Quan Bozhan is not an ordinary person, even if Shen Jingyu does not speak, he will keep this matter secret.


After eating, Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning returned to Shen's house together.

At this moment, Chu Ning is no longer dressed in a sassy dress, but is wearing a white long skirt, a long shawl is released, and it hangs on his shoulders.

This look is not like Chu Ning, but like He Ning.

Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning walked into the living room of the Shen family mansion hand in hand.

Several elders and Shen Ye were sitting there waiting.

They are really concerned about the situation of He Ning who has recently appeared.

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