Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1306: Why reverse black and white

She suddenly said, "Jingyu, give Lele back to me! Lele is my child!"

With this sentence, let alone Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning, the entire restaurant was shocked.

Immediately, the discussion began: "Oh my God, what's the situation?"

"Isn't this family of three not the original match?"

"Isn't the child's mommy sitting here, just a junior?"

Everyone was attracted by this family of three, but now something suddenly happened, and people couldn't help but look at it.

"Jingyu, even though we are divorced, Lele is my child. Please, please return Lele to me!"

He Peishan said very pitifully.

She turned to Chu Ning: "Miss Chu, please do well, you already have Jingyu, and I have nothing, please return Lele to me. He is my son, I I can't live without her!"

He Peishan's acting is really alike.

If it were not because Lele was born by himself, Chu Ning would really doubt whether he really took away other people's children.

The person next to him coaxed and said, "It turns out that it's really a junior! He looks so beautiful, so what's wrong with doing something? Why should you be a junior?"

"Yeah, it's so beautiful, isn't it okay to find a husband? I have to raise children for others!"

"Girl, wake up! Why do you become a junior? Isn't it okay to ask me to be your husband?"

"Puff..." Someone laughed, "Just you? It's almost the same for me."

"Actually, if you are a junior for that dad, let alone I'm really willing to..."

The corner of Chu Ning's eyes moved. Everyone, are you condemning people or boasting?

Why is there something wrong with these words?

It seems that the Three Views are a bit wrong?

Lele kept frowning when she saw He Peishan. Although she looked familiar, Lele hated her subjectively.

It was very uncomfortable just watching her approach.

Chu Ning stood up and said, "Everyone, I'm not a junior. Our child is not this woman. Don't get me wrong. Moreover, you can go to the third party if you are beautiful, or you can take care of the third person if you are handsome what."

This made everyone laugh, and the truth seems to be the same.

"Chuning, it is clear that Jingyu and I are husband and wife, and I gave birth to the child. Why are you turning black and white here?" He Peishan accused.

If based on her own combat power, she would not be so weak.

But she wants to maintain the personality of "He Ning", gentle and kind, and don't turn into anger from embarrassment.

So in terms of momentum, Chu Ning was soon crushed.

"I gave birth to the child!" Chu Ning hugged Lele, and Lele frowned at He Peishan with a look of disgust.

But when he turned his head to face Chu Ning, he showed an angelic smile. He smiled and felt that the whole world was wonderful and bright.

Bystanders know that a child is the least likely to be a fake, and only when he faces someone who treats her kindly will he show such a smile.

Suddenly, they all stood on Chu Ning's side, and one after another spoke and accused He Peishan.

He Peishan murmured in a bitter drama: "Chuning, Lele was born to me, because I was not by his side, but you can't reverse right and wrong like this. He is my heart, you will give him back to me... …"

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