Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1307: Mothers are expensive with children

She reached out to Lele, intending to hold Lele.

However, Lele glanced at her and lay down on Chu Ning's shoulder with disgust.

He Peishan said woundedly: "Chuning, what did you say to Lele? The child is innocent. You can't treat him like this. Not only can he not live with his biological mother, but he must also endure such pain... "

"What evidence do you have to prove that Lele is your biological son?" Chu Ning asked.

Shen Jingyu didn't want to endure it anymore, and was about to say that people would take He Peishan away, Chu Ning gave him a wink, let him be restless, and she was about to start acting.

Shen Jingyu had no choice but to smile, okay, as long as it was what Chu Ning was willing to do, he wouldn't stop it.

He Peishan immediately said: "You can draw blood! I can prove that Lele is my biological son!"

She immediately raised her hand.

She was secretly proud in her heart. She always thought that Shen Jingyu's Lele was a child without a mother.

So as long as you can recognize Lele as a son, you will definitely be able to get Shen Jingyu's favor.

Lele had a physical examination at school some time ago and blood was drawn.

He Peishan managed to get it, wrapped the blood with fine medical tape, and wrapped it around his fingertips and arms.

Because following He Birong's ears and eyes, she is familiar with these fake things.

Even if Gu Yunchen came to draw the blood, he would definitely not be able to discover the true or false.

Besides, for DNA testing, only two or three drops of blood are enough.

Shen Jingyu stunned slightly, Le Le was born in Chu Ning, so He Peishan dared to say such a thing?

She really doesn't know how the word "death" is written?

Seeing his surprised look, He Peishan thought he was moved.

Great, as long as you can prove that you and Lele are biological mothers and children, from now on, you will be able to make progress.

Even if you don't get Shen Jingyu's favor, relying on the happy relationship, you can still spend your mother's life on the basis of the child and worry-free.

Chu Ning handed Lele to Shen Jingyu, and said in a low voice: "Jingyu, you take Lele out for ventilation. Okay?"

Lele shook his head first. He opened his arms and stopped in front of Chu Ning. The meaning couldn't be more clear. He wanted to protect his mummy from being bullied by anyone.

Chu Ning was amused by his actions, and kissed him madly on his face: "Good boy, so happy, mommy will be fine. You compare with your dad first, and you will come to you later."

The people around saw that Lele was well-behaved and sensible, and he knew that he was protecting mommy at a young age, and he was full of affection for this family of three.

To He Peishan, she couldn't help shaking her head. She didn't belong to anyone in this family, and her temperament and tacit understanding with them was completely out of the same line.

Said she is the child's mummy? No one believes it.

"Then you pay attention to the arrangements." Shen Jingyu said to Chu Ning.

He glanced at He Peishan, almost without threat.

However, he still arranged for someone to come in and protect Chu Ning nearby.

And he left with Lele.

Well, lest Lele feel uncomfortable seeing the blood later.

People around him talked more and more people believed in Chu Ning at this moment, but there were also some alternatives, and they still believed in He Peishan.

He Peishan saw that Lele was about to be taken away, and was a little anxious: "Lele can't go."

However, Shen Jingyu turned a deaf ear and left with Lele.

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