Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1308: Ugliness brings trouble

"Chuning, you can find a doctor to check it. It turns out that I am Lele's biological mother, so you should return Lele to me!"

Chu Ning grabbed her hand and said, "I'll check it for you!"

She grabbed He Peishan's hand tightly, He Peishan was startled, and he was about to retract.

However, Chu Ning has found something wrong with her finger-although He Peishan hides it well enough to be fake.

But when Chu Ning was at the American Manor, he followed Doctor Fang and had seen too many of these things.

There is nothing left to stop her from piercing He Peishan.

He Peishan may be able to deceive ordinary doctors, but he definitely can't escape Chu Ning's eyes-after all, who gave birth to Lele, Chu Ning knows better than anyone!

Saying that you are your own mother in front of your own mother?

Really looking for death!

Chu Ning grabbed He Peishan's hand, brushed the ground from her fingertips, and tore off a few very tiny flesh-colored blood bags.

He grabbed her arm again, He Peishan screamed to step back.

But where could Chu Ning stand her back, she found her arm, brushed it, and tore off another tiny flesh-colored blood bag.

Chu Ning held these things high and said, "Have you seen it? This woman keeps saying that it's my son's mother. People want to check her blood. On the tip of her finger, the veins in her shoulder Place, some blood has been **** a long time ago, waiting to be checked. If I'm not mistaken, you got this blood from the medical examination room in the kindergarten, right?"

Everyone looked at it seriously, and for a while, they were filled with outrage: "What the **** is this! I even pretend to be the child's mother!"

"How could the child be handed over to such a vicious woman?"

"It's horrible, it's horrible, but we still spoke for her just now!"

"Sure enough, there are so many ugly people..."

In fact, He Peishan has become like He Ning, not ugly at all.

But He Ning has always been gentle and has never lost control of her facial expressions like her.

What's more, at this moment, she was exposed, shy and angry, her face was distorted, and she was naturally ugly.

He Peishan wanted to cover her face and even wanted to run away.

She was incredible, how could it be possible?

How did Chu Ning break through his tricks?

Obviously she did it so delicately, without any problems at all, how could she see through it at a glance?

Who is this Chu Ning?

Chu Ning grabbed He Peishan's wrist and said, "I ask you, what are you going to do if you keep trying to take my son away?"

"That's my son and my husband!" He Peishan was not convinced yet.

Before Chu Ning could speak, everyone around him couldn't wait to scold He Peishan: "Don't talk nonsense, it's really unfortunate to have a mother and wife like you."

"I don't think this woman is a trafficker? How else is she deliberately trying to take the child away?"

"It's terrible, everyone is optimistic about your children."

Chu Ning smiled and said: "I don't care who you are or why you make yourself like this, next time I dare to touch my son's hair..."

Without finishing the words, with a "click", Chu Ningyun calmly and calmly broke He Peishan's wrist.

She always had a smile on her face, and she always seemed to be kind, there was nothing unusual at all.

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