Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1309: Not so low

He Peishan felt a pain in his wrist and couldn't help shouting: "You... Chu Ning, you broke my hand!"

He Peishan had a distorted face, but now his face has changed even more with pain.

Chu Ning raised his hand innocently: "Don't frame me, I didn't do anything. How could I break your hand for such a weak girl."

She narrowed her mouth aggrievedly.

All the people around were standing on Chu Ning's side at this moment, and said: "Looking at a girl who is so gentle and weak, how can you break your hand? You want to point your face."

"If you fail to grab your son, you will frame someone else and hurt you. It's really the most shameless person I have ever met!"

"It's really shameless, you frame people and find a way that others can believe. Tsk tsk tsk, I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless ones."

He Peishan broke his hand and didn't say anything, but was scolded wildly by the people around him.

She couldn't stand it anymore, dragged her hand off, and left in a hurry.

Someone not far away reported it to Fu Meirou. Fu Meirou could not help but cursed on the phone: "Trash!"

Such a small matter can't be handled well.

What's the use of coming?

After so long, have those people who want to target Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning really done something that hurt them?

No, not all!

It's really a headache.

"It's just a bunch of trash snacks!" Fu Meirou said bitterly.

"What are you angry about, Rourou?" Lan Feng walked in and asked with a smile.

Fu Meirou put away her anger, and said with a smile: "The people underneath are unfavorable in doing things. They were angry for a while and cursed a few words."

"Don't be angry, give it to you." Lan Feng took out a bunch of flowers to Fu Meirou, "I heard that He Ning is back? I want to see her."

"This may not be true He Ning, although I can hardly say why I have such an idea. But Shen Jingyu's attitude is very clear."

"Then you still keep her?" Lan Feng asked.

"I..." Fu Meirou really couldn't explain this matter. "Look at her being pitiful and doing good deeds."

"Really?" Lan Feng asked.

"Do you suspect that I used her to trouble Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning? My methods are not so low, right?" Fu Meirou asked with a smile.

In fact, it is so low, because she has tried all kinds of methods.

There is no other way, only to use such means to destroy them.

Lan Feng looked at her seriously: "I hope you are not."


Chu Ning broke He Peishan's wrist, but the voices around him yelled at He Peishan.

To Chu Ning, everyone sympathized and admired. It was too powerful, and the threat was lifted by three and five divisions, and the other party's conspiracy and tricks were exposed.

Chu Ning ran out to Shen Jingyu and Lele: "It's done, it's all done!"

Shen Jingyu knew that the little scene just now was just a little scene for her to try her hands. There was no risk at all.

His eyes were gentle: "It just happens to be full, let's walk around."

Lele immediately rushed into Chu Ning's arms, as if he wanted to know if there was anything wrong with her, his worried eyes turned grunting.

Chu Ning was warm in his heart, and said with a smile: "It's okay, Mommy is amazing, like just now, I will play one for each, and I will play a pair for two."

Lele smiled.

"Mummy is Lele's mom, everyone else is a fake and shoddy product!" Chu Ning emphasized, "Lele is Mummy's own."

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