Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 131: Why are you here?

Chen Fufen and He Manni stopped crying.

The bustling reporters also unknowingly stopped the interview.

Shen Jingyu appeared like a king, and the king's spirit above everyone else made everyone dare not make another mistake.

There was a trace of scrutiny on his handsome face, and his long and narrow phoenix eyes glanced at the audience. Everyone under his gaze bowed their heads intentionally, not daring to look at him.

Everyone who did the wrong thing felt the chill on his back wherever he could see.

He Ning was particularly surprised when he saw him.

On the phone just now, he didn't say that he was coming over, and He Ning just thought that he would just arrange a few people to come over.

Unexpectedly, he would come in person.

Seeing him strode towards him, He Ning was in a dreamlike trance for a moment.

He is so good-looking, as handsome as a god, and such a man is here for himself...

At this moment, there were layers of ripples in her heart.

Shen Jingyu walked to He Ning, stretched out his hand to naturally embrace her waist, and brought her petite body into his arms.

The tall body enveloped her delicate body, guarding her with absolute protection.

She looked really frightened. She was surrounded in the middle of the crowd softly and tenderly, causing a soft pain in his heart to rise involuntarily.

He circled her, stretched her fisted fingers apart, clasped them, and whispered, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He Ning didn't know why when he was treated with gentleness. He was obviously not afraid, and no longer worried at all, but a faint mist of water appeared in his eyes.

Shen Jingyu frowned and glanced around. It was these people that made He Ning panic here?

"So, what's going on here?" Shen Jingyu said, obviously the volume was not loud, but the magnetic sound came into everyone's ears.

The serious questioning silenced the reporters all at once, and no one dared to take responsibility.

Chen Fufen came back to his senses and realized that he was too timid just now, but he was a cowboy who was able to show off his power by relying on He Ning. Why is he here?

She yelled: "There is nothing wrong with you here, we are just asking He Ning for justice!"

The reporters had the courage to hear the employer's words, and responded in unison: "He Ning is frantic, not even letting go of his father and sister's fortune. We are just here to interview her why she can do such an unjust thing. ."

He Ning subconsciously grasped Shen Jingyu's skirt tightly.

Chen Fufen was more confident, and pointed at Shen Jingyu and said: "Look, this is the cowherd raised by He Ning, and He Ning has spent all his money on him..."

When the reporters heard it, the microphones poked at Shen Jingyu, but the bodyguards in the front row were not vegetarian, and pushed away the hustle and bustle of reporters.

The reporter squeezed in the front, the microphone and camera in his hand, was grabbed by the bodyguard and hit the ground directly.

The reporters have black lines on their faces, but how can they dare to hold on to these well-trained bodyguards?

They kept backing away in fright.

Chen Fufen stepped forward unconvinced and opened his teeth and claws in front of Shen Jingyu and He Ning.

Shen Jingyu raised her eyebrows slightly, and the people around her immediately understood, grabbed Chen Fufen, threw her out, and threw her heavily on the ground.

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