Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 132: Let him hold himself

Chen Fufen was thrown to the ground and shouted loudly: "They beat people! Call the police, I want to call the police! Mannie, call me the police!"

He Manni was frustrated and said loudly: "I'll call the police and take them all away! Even if I hit people casually, I see if there is no king's law!"

She took out her mobile phone and called the police.

"Just let the police come over to maintain order! Look at who it is, dare to make trouble at the door of the court!" Shen Jingyu said, speaking righteously, with a strong sense of shock.

When the reporters heard it, they were so frightened that they had to wipe the soles of their feet and leave.

They just collected a little money, and they didn't want to share anything.

"None is allowed to let go." Shen Jingyu said sharply.

Immediately, these reporters were all rushed back, standing together shivering, the man in front of them was too powerful, and they felt that something was not good.

He Manni was so scared that she put down her mobile phone. How could she dare to call the police?

The reporter was gathered here. As Shen Jingyu said, the court is a solemn and sacred place. How can she be allowed to make trouble here?

Feeling the little woman in his arms moved uncomfortably, Shen Jingyu didn't want to stay longer at this moment. He said loudly, "Qin Zheng, call the police!"

"We...you can't call the police...I...we..." He Manni raised up the frightened Chen Fufen and objected incoherently.

However, their opposition has no effect.

Qin Zheng called the police immediately, and the police would come to deal with Chen Fufen and He Manni in a short while.

Chen Fufen and He Manni were so scared that they couldn't stand still. How could things become like this? How could this man have such ability, come up with such a way to treat them?

"As for these reporters..." Shen Jingyu lowered his head and glanced at He Ning in his arms, thinking for a moment.

When the reporters heard half of what he said, all of them turned pale with fright. They didn't know what punishment Shen Jingyu would come up with.

Regardless of his status, the man in front of him really didn't dare to provoke him anymore.

"Lawyer Nie, you will tell these reporters the true situation of today's case. Tomorrow's report, well-written, can be exempted from punishment. If you write badly, don't get involved in this circle as soon as possible!" Shen Jingyu finished , Hugged He Ning, strode out.

He Ning didn't expect that in front of so many people, he would pick himself up.

Besides, she was not injured, she really didn't need to look like this...

"Yu, you let me down." He Ning was so embarrassed that his ears turned into two small tomatoes, and he struggled in his arms.

"Don't move!" Shen Jingyu hugged her waist tightly, hugged her tighter, and her thin lips were close to her ears, "Otherwise, I don't mind asking you here."

He leaned very close, the scorching breath passed into her ears.

Only then did He Ning smell that there was a faint smell of alcohol in his mouth. Judging from his appearance, he should be in a slightly drunken state.

It turns out he was drinking.

Then, he was drinking with someone just now, did he disturb his business?

"If you are busy, just let someone come over, you don't have to come here yourself," He Ning said quietly.

"This kind of thing, of course, you have to come in person." How could he, knowing that she was being bullied, still stand by?

He Ning's heart warmed slightly and let him hold himself.

Behind her, Chen Fufen and He Manni followed her with jealous eyes.

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