Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 136: Hit thoroughly

Aunt Chen was originally kind and wanted to explain Shen Jingyu's situation, and hoped that He Ning and Shen Jingyu could understand each other more.

Don't be alienated from each other because of some external factors, and don't think that he is not worthy of trust because of his occasional rudeness.

But she didn't expect that her own words would make Hening even more misunderstood.

He Ning even thought that Shen Jingyu's treatment of herself was nothing but a tool the body needed.

He needs a woman every time he is allergic to alcohol. At that time yesterday, it happened to be her only, so that happened, right?

If it wasn't because she called him for help, then it is possible that he would stay with other women.

A self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of He Ning's lips.

I didn't know if it was the wind or the bewilderment of my heart last night.

She handed the bowl to Aunt Chen and said, "Aunt Chen, you help me clean it up."

"Okay. By the way, young lady, this is what the third master gave you..." Aunt Chen put down the things before going downstairs.

There are some doubts in my heart, and I don't know what I'm saying. Does He Ning understand Sanye more?

She watched San Ye grow up from a young age, his self-discipline, his excellence, his introvertedness, everything about him, she saw in her eyes, caring for him like a mother, loving him heartily.

She hoped that He Ning would also be able to truly cultivate with Shen Jingyu and live the two of them well.

He Ning flipped through what Aunt Chen left behind, which turned out to be a stack of newspapers.

In the newspaper, it was reported in detail that if Chen Fufen and He Manni were unreasonably outside the courtroom yesterday, various incidents occurred, they were taken back by the police who rushed back, and they were properly disciplined.

This incident has quickly become a joke, spread all over the city of Portugal, Chen Fufen and He Manni became jokes, it is estimated that for a while, they have to be humans with their tails between their tails.

Another report is a very detailed report on the mother-daughter relationship between Chen Fufen and He Manni, from how Chen Fufen became He Hongtao’s junior, to when she gave birth to He Manni and put He Manni together with He Ning as Ms. Ning’s twin daughters. , No matter the details, it took several layouts.

Every newspaper and magazine wrote about the matter in detail. The reporter wrote more in detail one by one, and they spared no effort to denounce Chen Fufen and He Manni.

These reporters were afraid of being held accountable by Shen Jingyu. After hearing about this incident from Lawyer Nie yesterday, they naturally reported the incident as soon as possible in order to bring justice to He Ning.

After these reports come out, Chen Fufen and He Manni will quickly become the despised objects of everyone in the Portuguese market. In the short term, they may not be able to protect themselves and they will not have the opportunity to trouble He Ning again.

He Ning's lips curled up and smiled slightly. Shen Jingyu's trick was indeed powerful enough to allow the reporters they hired to describe their own scandal. This blow to Chen Fufen and He Manni was absolutely devastating.

On that day, the only company remaining in He Hongtao's hands suffered heavy losses due to its stock price falling continuously.

However, the two companies in He Ning's hands are very good. The stock price has risen to the highest point in history. Shareholders and partners have high expectations for He Ning.

Apart from other things, He Ning was grateful to Shen Jingyu. If it weren't for him, she would not be able to beat Chen Fufen and He Manni so thoroughly.

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