Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 137: You are so kind, i'm so touched

It was already dusk when Shen Jingyu finished his work.

Some clay stars were stained on his military uniform, and the fabric that was originally flat and ironed was slightly wrinkled.

However, he still maintained his vigor, as if he had been busy all day without consuming his energy at all.

The special military vehicle Falcon galloped forward.

Halfway through, he received a call, glanced at the name on it, and became somewhat distracted.

"What's the matter?" Shen Jingyu picked it up, his tone flat.

Gu Baoyan slumped: "Can't you call you if there is nothing wrong? I finally came to the Portuguese market. Can you treat me better?"

"If it's all right, I'll hang up." Shen Jingyu never likes to chat with people, especially on the phone.

Everyone knows his habits, so they must speak up.

"Don't don't, I have business." Gu Baoyan's challenge was obviously unsuccessful. Shen Jingyu still had that temper. She said hurriedly, "My eldest brother, let me help deliver the medicine. He has something to go back to Jingyuan City temporarily."

Shen Jingyu stopped the action to hang up, and said: "Okay, then you send it over."

"My car broke down in the middle of the road, can you come and pick me up?" Gu Baoyan still had hopes. Shen Jingyu was able to pick her up in person, and his attitude towards her changed.

"Give me the address, I'll let Qiao Hai come over." Shen Jingyu hung up the phone.

Qiao Hai is his orderly soldier in the army. When he is carrying out military tasks, Qiao Hai will replace Qin Zheng and stay with him.

Gu Baoyan didn't get Shen Jingyu's reply. He was a little frustrated. He originally thought he had retired, and he also told his childhood sweetheart about the impossibility of getting married. At least he had some friendship with her.

Unexpectedly, he still has this attitude.

Gu Baoyan listlessly edited the address and sent it to Shen Jingyu.

After receiving the address, Shen Jingyu exclaimed: "Qiao Hai..."

"Yes!" Qiao Hai immediately responded.

Originally, he wanted Qiao Hai to pick up Gu Baoyan. However, Shen Jingyu changed his mind and said, "Go to this address."

That is the medicine for He Ning, so you still have to get it in person to be relieved.

Qiao Hai murmured in his heart, and took a peek at Shen Jingyu from the rearview mirror. As expected, Master General had changed a lot. When Qin Zheng said last time, he still didn't believe it.

I've really seen it this time, and he will hesitate to change it halfway through the order. What happened?

Gu Baoyan was pleasantly surprised when Shen Jingyu's car appeared!

Shen Jingyu is really here! He couldn't say to come, but after all he came!

This shows that it is not without her in his heart!

"Jingyu! You are so kind, I am so touched. You are really here!" Gu Baoyan stepped forward and planned to hug his arm.

Qiao Hai quickly stopped her. One of his tasks was to keep away anyone who was more than a safe distance from Shen Jingyu.

Gu Baoyan gave Qiao Hai a white look.

Shen Jingyu stretched out his hand and said faintly: "Where is the medicine?"

"So you came here for medicine?" Gu Baoyan's small face was all wrinkled. "If there is no medicine, you won't come, right?"

"Yes, or not?" Shen Jingyu's voice was obviously unpleasant.

This was a sign of his anger. Even if he was headstrong as Gu Baoyan, he didn't dare to mess around anymore and said, "I will definitely give you the medicine. But my car is broken. You can take me a ride by the way."

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