Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1371: I heard there are man-made rumors

Advertisers know that the radio station can invite celebrities like Zhou Mu, and it will be much easier to pay for advertising in the future.

Even if the problem cannot be fundamentally changed, the situation of the radio station and the situation of everyone can also change visible to the naked eye.

The benefits brought by these are self-evident, so what are the benefits if everyone is so troubled with Ye Shu?

Zhang Mingcheng said guiltily: "Ye Shu, I am very sorry for allowing you to bear such a big name. You can see that I can be your father, and I am still making you feel wronged."

"Say it clearly." Ye Shu Luoluo smiled generously, "Anyway, a fake one will never be able to stand firm. Don't be too credulous."

Zhu Jian stood aside and his face was flushed and white, dare to make a fuss so much, but put Ye Shu's footsteps?

Looking at everyone's current appearance, it seems that they are quite convinced of Ye Shu, and the look in her eyes one by one brings worship.

It's really uncomfortable, but Zhu Jian at the moment also knows that he can't do anything with this momentum.

Mrs. Zhang was also a little embarrassed, and she squeezed to the ground to apologize.

Ye Shu didn't say anything, turned and left.

After she went out, she was savoring what had just happened.

To be honest, when Mrs. Zhang was beating and scolding indiscriminately just now, she was indeed a little worried.

Although her skill is not bad, there are so many people just now, no matter what, she has no advantage.

But secretly, someone has been guarding her, protecting her from being beaten and touched, and from being hurt by the chaotic crowd.

On the contrary, Mrs. Zhang and Zhu Jian were beaten a lot and ended in embarrassment.

Director Zhang also came back in time, as if he had been specifically notified to come back.

In short, it was as if someone was specially protecting himself, helping himself resolve this crisis in advance.

The first name she printed in her mind was the only one. The man's thick sword eyebrows also made her feel at ease inexplicably.

But after coming out, he didn't see him.

Ye Shu's heart was empty and a little uncomfortable. He looked around and didn't see a familiar car or a familiar figure.

Chu Ning said that He Yiming was not engaged.

Where is he now and how did he plan?

She seemed to have a tacit understanding, and she was afraid to touch something. She didn't dare to contact He Yiming. Is he also hesitating and hesitating?

Liang Yan was used to the fact that He Yiming only showed up to help, but refused to show up in front of her.

Seeing Ye Shu looking back and forth not far away, he didn't persuade him.

I only felt that He Yiming's air pressure in the carriage was very low, and the entire carriage seemed to be shrouded and affected by deep emotions.

When Ye Shu returned home, Chu Ning called.

"Yeba, there is nothing going on at work, right? I heard there are artificial rumors."

"Fortunately, nothing." Ye Shu said with a smile, "No, it's such a big mess, do you know about it over there?"

"Because I pay special attention to you." Chu Ning laughed.

Ye Shu nodded: "It's all resolved. I was frank and frank when I asked Zhou Mu to come, and it didn't matter to you. It doesn't matter if you make a fuss. Besides, this time Zhou Mu is going to help me, but his wife is firm. As for what I asked for, I originally said no."

"Hey, when did you have such a good relationship with Zhou Mu?"

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