Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1372: Treat children of rivals as one's own

"In the past few years when I was looking for Yiming, Zhou Mu had a misunderstanding with his wife. His wife ran out in the middle of the night and almost had an accident. At that time, she was still carrying their **** in her stomach. I helped save her. So, in fact, Zhou Mu and I are not many good friends, and his wife is a deadly friendship. So you understand, it is Zhou Mu's wife, my relatives and friends, who have to help me."

Chu Ning couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that there was such a relationship in it.

No wonder, with Zhou Mu's temperament, he went to a little-known radio station to do a show.

After talking about his work, Ye Shu asked, "How is Xia Sheng's side? Has the matter with Qian Dabao been resolved?"

"Whether it can be resolved, it depends on this weekend." Chu Ning said, "this time, I must help Xia Sheng to ask for justice."

"Then you wait for me, I came here early on the weekend." Before she knew it, she cared for Xia Sheng very deeply.

Take his affairs completely to heart.

Sometimes, even when there is no one, I still think of Xia Sheng.

She didn't know if she could be regarded as a scumbag, and even regarded the child of her love rival as her own.

But this feeling starts from the heart, once it starts, it cannot be dealt with, and there is no way to resist it.

She just let it go, and this feeling continued to ferment and deepen.

Early on the weekend, Ye Shu rushed back and found Chu Ning.

Chu Ning is taking Xia Sheng to go out.

"Auntie!" Xia Sheng saw Ye Shu, the brilliance on his face couldn't be blocked.

He went straight to Ye Shu, saw Ye Shu take his own hand initiatively, a smile appeared on his face, he also laughed.

It is really rare for Chu Ning to see Xia Sheng being so happy, even if he is with himself and Lele, it is rare for him to be completely happy.

Ye Shu touched his head: "Then are we going to leave?"

"Well, today is the official selection of the oil painting competition. The first place in the children's group is to be selected." After Chu Ning finished speaking, he lowered his voice and said the second half, "I finally brought Xia Sheng from the presidential palace, so I didn't How long will I have to come back soon."

"Good." Ye Shu nodded.

They took Xia Sheng to the selection site.

For the formal selection, Xia Sheng re-submitted a painting.

He whispered: "The painting I handed in again was signed as Qian Dabao. So, what is the significance of this selection?"

He raised his head, seeming to feel puzzled and disappointed with the rules of this world.

"This time, did Qian Dabao steal your painting by himself?" Ye Shu couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw the loneliness in his eyes.

"No, I personally handed it in. The name was written on the post-it note and posted." Xia Sheng said.

Ye Shu said softly: "In this world, there will indeed be some people who will have bad ideas and take the fruits of other people's labor as their own. However, this does not mean that justice does not exist. Today, we will definitely seek justice for Xia Sheng. of."

At the scene of the competition, the selection has not yet officially produced results.

Chu Ning and Ye Shu arrived backstage.

Teacher Wang was a little surprised to see them appear, but he calmly pushed his glasses and said, "Xia Sheng's parents, are you here?"

"Yes, we want to know why Xia Sheng's paintings were signed by Qian Dabao?" Ye Shu asked straightforwardly.

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