Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1373: Tasted the sweetness

"This parent, are you feeling a little overwhelmed? Is there any evidence for you to say this? If not, it is slandering the teacher and classmates!" Teacher Wang said very angrily.

He pushed his glasses, and said in a gentle tone: "He Xiasheng's words are really good, and he should be able to win the prize this time. But this does not mean that the other children who won the prize are the paintings of Xia Sheng."

On the side, a tall and sturdy child came over, that was Qian Dabao, about the same size as Xia Sheng, but a head taller than Xia Sheng, and looked as heavy as Xia Sheng two.

Qian Dabao's father also walked over. He was about the same size as Qian Dabao, full of the arrogance of the rich: "What's going on here?"

"It's all right, Mr. Qian, the parents come over to find out the situation." Teacher Wang made a round.

Mr. Qian is extremely arrogant: "Please don't disturb our quiet rest. Dabao will be on stage to receive the award later. Also, what is the signature of the signature you mentioned?"

Teacher Wang wants to make a round, Ye Shu said: "What I want to say is that our Xia Sheng paintings are signed by yours. What is going on?"

Mr. Qian exploded on the spot: "You said we plagiarize? I advise you to think more about it! A family like ours will definitely not accept the slander of such untruthful words like you!"

"I didn't say you copied Xia Sheng's paintings, I mean you took Xia Sheng's paintings as your own! Mr. Qian, I hope I can thoroughly investigate this matter!" Ye Shu said, "This is not the first time, this time it is, Shang Again, I think if there is any misunderstanding involved, I can make it clear so that it won’t be ugly in the future!"

Mr. Qian became even more annoyed: "How is it possible? Our children need to use other people's paintings to win prizes? I tell you, our family was born in a family of calligraphy and painting, with outstanding reputation and disdain for such behavior. Of course, if you think I can get some benefits from me to save me money and avoid disasters. I may consider it. But this kind of slander of my son is absolutely impossible."

He kept saying that Ye Shu and Chu Ning were the kind of people who saw that he was rich and deliberately came to touch porcelain.

But Qian Dabao's expression on the side was already a bit scared. Obviously, he knew what he had done.

He pulled the corner of his father's clothes, but Mr. Qian ignored him at all, and said: "Don't worry, you will get a prize this time. I spent so much money. If you still can't learn well, then you can learn for nothing. Now! I have to kill you when I go back!"

Qian Dabao was too scared to speak. He already knew that he was wrong. If he stole Xia Sheng last time, he was too scared.

Where did he come from a family of calligraphy and painting, but his grandfather's family made a lot of money and made a name for it.

He had no talent in this area at all, but his father had high hopes for him and took him out as a tool for showing off.

He was afraid that he would not win the prize, so he stole Xia Sheng's painting last time.

I didn't expect to win a prize.

In the official selection this time, his father said that as long as he won the prize, he would give him money, and he would also invest money in training courses, at least one million.

At his level, it is really not easy to win a prize.

But this time, Mr. Wang tasted the sweetness from the last time and told him to leave it alone and arrange for the award.

Qian Dabao was young and seemed to understand but he was really scared when he saw He Xiasheng bring his parents.

[Today’s 20 chapters are better, please pay attention to it. I'm going to make up for sleep. 】

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