Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 139: I can’t ask for even a little love

Qin Zheng clearly stated before that Shen Jingyu has a cleanliness habit and does not want to see anything unclean at home.

She was so careless that she appeared in front of him so unkempt.

No wonder he would wipe the stains off her face as soon as he came in disgustingly.

He Ning knows that people who are obsessive about cleanliness also have obsessive-compulsive disorder. They are very uncomfortable with dirty things and must be cleaned.

He Ning turned around anxiously, and Shen Jingyu grabbed her wrist.

She was taken aback, and she had already crashed into his arms.

The breath on his body is very good. At this moment, he has a faint smell of sweat after a busy day. Not only is it not uncomfortable, but it has a stronger masculine taste.

Numerous messages flashed in He Ning's mind, and while the mess of thoughts flashed by, Shen Jingyu's handsome face suddenly enlarged.

She uttered a cry, and Shen Jingyu had lowered her head and dropped a kiss on her cheek that had been stained with stains.

He Ning was stunned, her beautiful eyes widened, staring at him and couldn't recover.

Her eyes are big and beautiful, when they are round, they look like two beautiful purple grapes, agile and shining, with his bright face inverted.

Shen Jingyu couldn't help but drop a kiss at the corner of her eye again.

Gu Baoyan was also shocked. What did she see? She actually saw Shen Jingyu, who has a strong mental cleansing addiction, just like this, kissing a woman who just came out of the kitchen and smelled of oily smoke?

Not only did he not dislike the smell on her body, nor the stains on her face, he kissed her twice in a row?

What happened to Shen Jingyu?

She had to follow along to see who it was that deserved her elder brother to stay in the West of Portugal for so many days with great fanfare, looking for the right medicine for her all over the world.

Who knows, what I saw turned out to be such a picture.

Gu Baoyan was so wronged that she was about to cry. She grew up with Shen Jingyu, always hoping for even a little love from him, but she couldn't ask for it.

He is here, talking to other women.

"Shen Jingyu, you..." Gu Baoyan narrowed his mouth aggrievedly and looked at the scene in disbelief.

He Ning's attention just now was all on Shen Jingyu's body, only now did he see that there was one more person next to him.

She was so ashamed that she quickly stepped back and stayed away from Shen Jingyu.

Seeing her widening her distance, Shen Jingyu's eyebrows were stained with unpleasantness.

Just now Aunt Chen came out with food and saw Gu Baoyan, she hurriedly said with a smile: "Miss Gu is here, please sit down. I will make tea for you now."

Miss Gu? He Ning heard this familiar sound, and remembered what Jiu Shu said before, asking Shen Jingyu to pick up Miss Gu.

He Ning didn't know whether Shen Jingyu had gone or not, but she could see that this Miss Gu had a very close relationship with Shen Jingyu.

And everyone around Shen Jingyu knew her. It seemed that she should be very important to Shen Jingyu.

"Miss Gu, please sit down." He Ning said quickly, "I'm sorry, I didn't know if there were guests coming, it was rude."

She can feel the mind of the same woman, this Miss Gu admires Shen Jingyu very much.

And Shen Jingyu's willingness to bring her home shows that she also has considerable weight in Shen Jingyu's heart.

Gu Baoyan bit her lip and sent her temper to Qiao Hai: "Qiao Hai, why don't you stop her from approaching Jingyu?"

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