Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 140: She is He Ning and my wife

Qiao Hai, who was also surprised by the side, stood at the same standard as the benchmark.

The corners of his lips twitched. He was trying to stop others from approaching Shen Jingyu, and not trying to stop Shen Jingyu from approaching others. There is a fundamental difference, right?

"Who are you?" Gu Baoyan raised his chin, looking upset in his eyes, looking at He Ning.

"I..." He Ning glanced at Shen Jingyu secretly. She didn't know how to introduce herself in front of someone like Miss Gu.

After all, things like contracted couples are not easy to talk to outsiders.

However, they weren't real husbands and wives, and He Ning had trouble with this issue.

Seeing Shen Jingyu frowned slightly, she had to throw the question to Gu Baoyan: "Miss Gu, I don't know who you are yet, can you introduce each other?"

Gu Baoyan immediately said: "I grew up with Jingyu. Our two are family friends, and we are childhood sweethearts."

She raised her chin, with a powerful expression on her face, like a peacock on the screen, showing off.

"It's your turn. Now let's introduce yourself?" Gu Baoyan didn't believe it, how deep the relationship would be between her and Shen Jingyu.

Shen Jingyu came to the Portuguese market for only a short period of time. This time he came, first, the army was mobilized normally, and he wanted to stay in the Portuguese city for a long time, and the second was to withdraw from an earlier marriage contract.

It makes no sense that he can have relationships with other women.

Even if there is, it is definitely only because of his physiological needs that he will maintain a short-term relationship with her. This is what Gu Baoyan secretly heard from Gu Yunchen. After Shen Jingyu is allergic, he will have a male physiological reaction.

It must be so. He must only find a woman to make a temporary emergency just to relieve such physical symptoms.

He Ning pursed her lips slightly, and just about to speak, Shen Jingyu took her hand and moved in the direction of Gu Baoyan, and said, "Baoyan, she is He Ning and my wife. From now on, you can call her sister-in-law. "

In a word, it's natural to say it, it's like a normal thing.

He Ning raised his eyes in surprise and looked at Shen Jingyu... Originally thought he would find an excuse, who knows he really said it, and his expression and tone are not childish at all, but with a hint of solemnity.

Gu Baoyan was stunned, his face full of disbelief, and he shook his head in shock: "How can you...how can you...get married?"

Behind him is the huge Shen family. He is the mainstay of Jingyuan City and the entire Dragon Empire. Behind him not only holds the wealth of the entire Shen family, but also the man who holds the army.

His marriage is far from his alone!

How could he marry a woman casually? How could he ignore her sincerity? What about Peishan? And those in the presidential palace who tried to fight for him?

His marriage should be a strong marriage, not a combination of random feelings!

"My marriage is naturally my own decision." Shen Jingyu shook He Ning's hand tightly.

Some choices are made by oneself and have nothing to do with anyone, let alone coerced by outsiders.

He bowed his head and said seriously, "He Ning, Baoyan is Gu Yunchen's younger sister."

He defined Gu Baoyan not as a childhood sweetheart, a family of acquaintances, but... Gu Yunchen's younger sister.

With grief and anger, Gu Baoyan turned around and ran out.

"Qiao Hai, you send her back." Shen Jingyu ordered.

Qiao Hai chased it out.

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