Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1395: Shameless dog stuff

Xu Xiaoqin felt very boring when he saw that He Yiming had come to pick up Ye Shu, but he didn't dare to shake his face. He still left after a few polite sentences.

Ye Jinghua and Xu Xiaoqin also went straight to the second floor.

It made Liang Yan puzzled: "I don't know what happened over there?"

On the second floor, Mr. Xue's wife was crying.

Zhu Jian sent her a message anonymously, saying that Mr. Xue was meeting a woman privately upstairs.

Mr. Xue usually has such a chaotic private life, and Mrs. Xue has tolerated him for a long time.

Unexpectedly, at other people's banquets today, he was so arrogant that Mrs. Xue would naturally not let it go.

So she touched the second floor. She didn't expect that she was really in a room and found out that her husband was having **** with a woman.

This room was originally reserved by Ye Jinghua for the guests to rest. Who knew his husband was so bold that he dared to darken Chen Cang with a woman in front of him. Mrs. Xue stepped forward and slammed her husband's face.

Now he was holding Zhu Jian and cursing loudly: "The shameless dog, even hooking up with someone else's husband at this time! What a slut! A shameless mistress!"

Zhu Jian burst into tears with her face covered, she had never thought it was such a scene.

Ye Shu was supposed to be thrown in, but instead he was thrown in.

Mr. Xue, who had taken too much medicine, acted like a wild animal and chewed, leaving her with wounds and the pain was about to faint.

It was finally discovered that it was Mrs. Xue!

Only then did she remember that the anonymous text message was originally sent to Mrs. Xue by herself, trying to get Ye Shu to be raped in bed.

Mrs. Xue cursed while hitting her in the face: "Bitch, see if I won't kill you today!"

The guests gathered around, and someone exclaimed, "Isn't this Zhu Jian? It's Ye Yu's colleagues and friends."

"Is there any misunderstanding?"

Mrs. Xue coldly snorted: "What's the misunderstanding? What can be the misunderstanding if I personally caught it? Do you look at her all over, it looks like there is a misunderstanding?"

Everyone took a closer look and found that Zhu Jian was indeed in a mess. Not only did he have various hickeys, he was blue and purple, and the lipstick on his face was also flowery.

There are even some suspicious unknown objects on her body, which in short gives people a very nauseating feeling.

Looking at Mr. Xue's body, there is also the same lipstick color as Zhu Jian. From this look, it is impossible for nothing happened.

The accusing voices of the people around quickly rushed into Zhu Jian's ears: "I didn't expect Zhu Jian to be such a person, but because she is still a glamorous radio anchor."

"Speaking of which, other people say that radio anchors like to hook up with investors and get advertising fees. We don't know about others, but Zhu Jian is obviously such a woman, otherwise, why be with Mr. Xue?"

Zhu Jian couldn't say anything, and Mrs. Xue was even more angry, clutching her hair, and cursing: "I will let you take the advertising fee, let you take it!"

Mrs. Xue is also a powerful woman, hitting Zhu Jian with one hand and kicking Mr. Xue with one hand.

When Ye Shu came up, Mrs. Xue was playing happily, and Ye Shu glanced at Zhu Jian calmly.

When Zhu Jian saw Ye Shu, his bloodshot eyes widened.

It was Ye Shu, it was her who got her into such a situation!

However, Zhu Jian couldn't say a word.

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