Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1396: In a hurry

Because all of this was caused by her herself.

If she didn't prescribe the medicine herself, how could Ye Shu get her into such a situation?

For a while, she didn't even know whether to say or not, because she was "framed".

She looked at Ye Shu angrily, her eyes were full of venom, staring at her fiercely, as if she was about to draw her blood and skin, and then eat it quickly.

Ye Shu looked at Zhu Jian calmly like this.

That's right, she came to see Zhu Jian specifically, she just wanted to let Zhu Jian know that the defensive heart must not be without the intention of harming others!

With her methods, in front of Ye Shu, it was really not enough.

Next time, Ye Shu could let them eat the bitter fruit.

Ye Jinghua and Ye Yu also came up.

Ye Yu really didn't expect that Zhu Jian would become what it is now.

Everyone knows that Zhu Jian is one of her best friends, and her relationship is very close at ordinary times. Zhu Jian's own reputation has been damaged if something like this happened to Zhu Jian.

Besides, today is my father's birthday.

Ye Yu was already seeing Ye Jinghua's face, which became heavier and heavier, looking like a prelude to a storm.

Ye Yu had no choice but to let her mother come forward to persuade Mrs. Xue.

She herself said to everyone: "Everyone, today my father’s birthday is about to cut the cake. I didn’t expect such a misunderstanding to happen. I am really sorry, and hope that it will not affect everyone’s Yaxing. Please come downstairs with me. Cut the cake!"

She tried her best to save it, hoping that her father's birthday would not be affected by this incident.

The guests shook their heads. Although they were satisfied with the gossip tonight, they couldn't help but shook their heads at the women who are now juniors.

However, Ye Yu's three aunts and six women were attracted by other things: "Ye Yu, General He is going to come in, right?"

Others don't know that He Yiming is here to pick up Ye Shu, but Ye Yu has heard about it from Xu Xiaoqin.

She never thought of when Ye Shu hooked up with He Yiming.

What a disappointment, He Yiming actually fell in love with Ye Shu!

Maybe it was Ye Shu who rushed to it.

However, if someone knew that He Yiming would come to pick up Ye Shu, her face would really be tarnished, so she wished no one would ask.

But where do those three aunts and six wives know her thoughts?

Someone immediately said, "General He is here to pick up Ye Yu. He must come in for a drink."

"Ye Yu, I will introduce General He to meet us in a moment. We have lived here for so many years, and we haven't seen such a big man."

"Ye Yu is a good girl, and she will definitely introduce General He to meet us. Besides, if we can get to know General He, wouldn't it be rewarding for Ye Yu to develop our business in the future?"

Ye Yu is not easy to talk about He Yiming's affairs. For the sake of face, he had to say perfunctorily: "Yes, yes. He comes, naturally, he wants to sit with everyone for a while and drink a while."

When these three aunts and six wives heard Ye Yu say this, they were content to follow Ye Yu downstairs.

Zhu Jian lost such a big face tonight, in such a small place, I am afraid it will be spread tomorrow.

She couldn't help crying bitterly: "Ye Yu, you help me, I was framed by someone..."

Ye Yu was eager to end this matter soon, and said, "I know, in a moment, let's sit down with Mrs. Xue and talk about it."

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