Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1397: Was beaten by him

Ye Shu also curled his lips and smiled. She had seen enough of this good show, and she should also leave.

Looking at Ye Shu's smile, Zhu Jian felt more and more dazzling. It was Ye Shu, and everything she did was caused by Ye Shu!

Losing her reputation and offending Mrs. Xue, her marriage and work will become a huge problem in the future!

Everything about her is ruined.

Zhu Jian suddenly rushed out, rushed towards Ye Shu, pounced on her, and pushed her out of the stairs.

This change happened so suddenly that even Mrs. Xue did not hold Zhu Jian.

Just when Ye Shu was pushed and almost got out, a pair of powerful hands held Ye Shu's waist and brought her into his arms.

Ye Shu Jingfu raised his eyes undecided, and saw He Yiming's concerned and even reddened eyes.

She didn't take a good look at him just now. After so many days, when she saw him again, he was still so calm, with deep tenderness in his eyes. Looking down at her, she was full of them.

Suddenly, the rest of the noise was not in my ears, and he was the only one before me.

He only has her.

He Yiming helped Ye Shu stand.

Zhu Jian failed to push, and subconsciously pushed towards Ye Shu frantically.

He didn't wait to push Ye Shu, but was blocked by He Yiming.

It was just a block, Zhu Jian was pushed to the ground by the counteracting force, she sat down on the ground with a click, and her hand bone was broken.

Zhu Jian was completely trapped at this moment, where she dared to mess up again, she looked at He Yiming blankly, and a look of horror appeared on her face.

Ye Jinghua, who was next to him, recognized He Yiming and immediately stepped forward and said, "General He!"

Then, he said angrily: "Ye Yu, don't you hurry up and find someone to take Zhu Jian away!"

Because Zhu Jian is Ye Yu's friend after all, Zhu Jian's accident always reminds people of Ye Yu more or less, and Ye Jinghua's mood at the moment is extremely bad.

Especially Zhu Jian almost hurt Ye Shu just now.

Ye Shu is also his own biological daughter after all!

Everyone noticed that the man holding Ye Shu was handsome, heroic and powerful.

It turns out that he is General He! It's the person you want to see in your heart.

No wonder the rumors say that many girls will like him when they see him. When they see a real person, it is true that he stands in the crowd and stands out from the crowd.

Even Meng Fu, who is usually considered a top-notch figure, was suddenly beaten by him.

Everyone was even more envious of Ye Yu, and they all looked at Ye Yu: "Ye Yu, it turns out that this is General He, you won't introduce it to us."

"General He is a rare visit, and he must stay for a while and drink two more glasses."

At this moment, Ye Yu couldn't wait to find a hole to drill down.

Because she knew that He Yiming came to Ye Shu, she didn't dare to admit to everyone just now, she agreed to let He Yiming drink with everyone.

She also wondered why Yiming had already left, and who knew he hadn't left yet and came back.

He Yiming had no interest in understanding what happened here. He glanced at Zhu Jian sitting on the ground with a cold look.

Such a woman dared to try to hurt Ye Shu, so she would naturally pay the price!

It's just that at this moment, he doesn't want to set aside any time to reason with this woman.

He stretched out his hand to embrace Ye Shu's waist and said, "Let's go back."

Then, he only slightly chinked his head with Ye Jinghua, then hugged Ye Shu in his waist, turned around, crossed the crowd, and strode out.

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