Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1398: Boyfriend force max

Ye Shu's face flushed all of a sudden, she never expected that He Yiming would carry herself away in front of so many people.

This is too shameful...

It's just that she didn't dare to struggle, she didn't dare to ensure that He Yiming would do anything next, if he had other more outrageous actions, then she really didn't need to see people.

All the guests were stunned by this scene.

what happened? Didn't General He come for Ye Yu?

But why, he didn't even look at Ye Yu, as if Ye Yu was like air?

Of course, his move to hug Princess Ye Shu away in full view made everyone even more surprised.

"Ye Yu, General He took Ye Shu away! It's still like Su's way!" A few young girls on the side wanted to ask Ye Yu why this was the case, but when they spoke, they turned into envy.

"That's right, General He is too handsome, right? Boyfriend power is simply max!"

"Really, the moment I blocked Zhu Jian just now, it was really amazing, it was a man burst."

The rest of the guests also realized that General He came for Ye Shu!

He said before to pick up Miss Ye, it turned out to be Ye Shu, not Ye Yu.

They all looked at Ye Yu, as if she was a liar!

Ye Yu became extremely embarrassed in the eyes of everyone scrutinizing.

She has never had such a situation before. From childhood to adulthood, she has always been the envied child of other people. She is good at everything and must do her best in everything.

At this moment, He Yiming and Ye Shu slapped their faces with an anonymous slap.

The sound of beating her face was so loud that her entire face was flushed.

Jiang Sisi said hurriedly: "General He was originally pursuing Ye Yu, and Ye Shu crossed in, and Ye Yu gave it to her."

Sangu and Liupo also hurriedly said, "No wonder, it's Ye Shu's boyfriend who grabbed Ye Yu again."

"This Ye Shu, I really don't learn well. I have to grab everything."

But the other guests are not blind.

He Yiming appeared just now, and his gaze did not stop at Ye Yu's body. On the contrary, he always looked at Ye Shu with worry and concern. How could he like Ye Yu?

Moreover, Ye Yu has been engaged to Meng Fu for a long time, that is a well-known thing. General He would not retreat because he liked her and beg to accept Ye Shu next?

Change to another man, they believe.

But the man just now didn't have such persuasiveness in everything about him.

He is so aloof, with the aura of a high-ranking person for a long time, to say that it is ugly, a man like him, will he?

Ye Yu told a lie tonight, has she ever told a lie before?

Ye Jinghua didn't want to make Ye Yu more embarrassed, and greeted the guests to cut the cake.

Xu Xiaoqin went to comfort Mrs. Xue.

Ye Yu asked Jiang Sisi to help Zhu Jian up and went to the backyard with her.

Zhu Jian has no strength to cry at this moment.

Ye Yu couldn't help asking: "What the **** is going on? How did you make it like this? How did you make it?"

"I... I... suffered Ye Shu's advice, she threw me in." Zhu Jian said weakly, she was frustrated, Ye Yu is her only hope, "Ye Yu, you want Help me. I've really ruined everything about what happened tonight. Even your reputation will be a problem. Please help me with Master Meng."

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