Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1414: Bad premonition

Seeing that he was just in a daze, Jiang Sisi couldn’t help but said, “He looks pretty good, but he’s really an idiot. He doesn’t even respond. I don’t know which **** your mother gave birth to a child like you. Stupid."

She approached Xia Sheng step by step.

Outside, Ye Shu was chatting with people, but suddenly he had a bad premonition in his heart.

I don't know if Xia Sheng stayed in the office alone, would it be too boring.

She put down the wine glass, going to take a look.

Then the phone rang, and she answered that it was He Yiming.

"I'll be back at night. It's already on the road." On the phone, he heard his mellow voice, a little hoarse, very pleasant.

"I'm on the radio, celebrating my anniversary tonight, and I may be back later."

He Yiming smiled: "Then I will pick you up and go home together."

Ye Shu thought for a while, and had already agreed with Xia Sheng to tell He Yiming about him.

So when He Yiming came to pick him up after a while, it seemed to be fine?

"Okay. By the way, Yiming, later, I have something to tell you later." Ye Shu said, about Xia Sheng, you still have to talk to Xia Sheng first, and then to He Yiming.

And she used to be pregnant and have children...

After all, what He Yiming should know must be known to him.

"Can't you say it now?" He Yiming asked softly.

Ye Shu said, "It's better to meet and talk about this kind of thing."


"drive carefully."

He Yiming curled his lips, and the words of the little woman made him feel good.

Just thinking of Xia Sheng's affairs, he couldn't help but squeeze his brows.

When I went back this time, Xia Sheng's business didn't go smoothly.

Fu Qian deliberately avoided it and even went abroad.

Jiang Xue refused, saying that if Xia Sheng's custody is required, there is only one way, and that is to marry Fu Qian.

He Yiming naturally couldn't agree.

Therefore, even Xia Sheng did not see it.

Being a father makes him quite guilty.

This matter is unresolved, and Ye Shu is probably the one who was wronged.

He can only come back first and make up for her with himself.

Ye Shu put down the phone and was about to find Xia Sheng when he heard Jiang Sisi coming out.

Jiang Sisi said: "Be quiet, everyone, I have a program to show you. Are all the members here?"

Hearing that Jiang Sisi was moving, Ye Shu left immediately after inconvenience and had to stop.

Although I remember Xia Sheng in my heart, I can only hold it back temporarily.

"What activity? Is it fun?"

"Hurry up, can it be a temporary activity that won't delay too much time?"

Facing the doubts from the audience, Jiang Sisi, who was standing on the stage, smiled: "No, it is an event that everyone loves to hear. Today, I am here, trying to expose someone who is pure on the surface, but in fact it is very innocent. Rotten woman. In this case, everyone will not be deceived."

"Who is it? Isn't it our station?"

"Are you there? What's the matter?"

"Don't sell it anymore, let's talk quickly, we are willing to listen to gossip news."

Ye Shu's face changed slightly.

Jiang Sisi is Ye Yu's good friend. She said this in public, and it couldn't be more clear and obvious.

She had a hunch in her heart, which was meant to be aimed at herself.

She glanced at Ye Yu, who stood not far away and smiled at her.

Ye Shu's bad premonition grew stronger.

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