Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1415: Cold all over the body

Ye Yu walked over and said with a smile: "Sister, you said that you are not afraid of encountering something?"

Ye Shu looked at her angrily, because he didn't promise her to persuade He Yiming to do business with the Meng family, is Ye Yu going to make a move?

The events of the year must be brought to the public and be fully known!

Thinking of this, Ye Shu's breathing stagnated.

The last thing she wanted to see happened happened.

Such scars will be exposed to everyone, and then she and He Yiming will have to bear...

Ye Yu smiled and said, "Sister, don't be afraid, you can deny it. Right?"

In fact, she wished Ye Shu strongly denied that, in that case, when Xia Sheng was taken out, it would have a more subversive effect.

After speaking, Ye Yu looked at the stage with a leisurely look.

Jiang Sisi said: "Actually, I don't want to do such things that expose people's scars, but this woman has done too much. I really can't stand it anymore, so this is the way. This person is--"

Her pause was appropriate, and her fingers pointed in one direction.

Following the direction of her fingers, everyone looked at the same place-Ye Shu's body!

"This... how could it be Ye Shu?"

"Ye Shu didn't do anything? Isn't it always good? Last time the director's matter was also clarified, and nothing else is involved."

"Yes, and I heard that Ye Shu is with General He."

Ye Shu's face was a little pale, and what happened back then caused her great harm.

And now, it was suddenly opened again, like a scab, torn to blood and blood again.

For a while, she wanted to leave, but she couldn't move forward anyway.

How much damage was caused by this incident, but now the lethality is just as powerful.

Finally, after so many years, the wound was healed, but it was reopened.

"Ye Shu, don't blame me for deliberately debunking you. Think about it, when you left a few years ago, you actually gave birth to a child out of wedlock, became pregnant with a child, and then left. You didn't even tell anyone about such a thing. At that time, were you just seventeen or eighteen? Don’t you think what you’ve done is too much? There are youthful personalities on the outside, but inside is like this..."

"Don't say it!" Ye Shu yelled. The child that year had passed away, and the child she had worked so hard to conceive in October was gone.

This kind of pain has already been deeply felt.

Thinking of it now, she couldn't help but feel cold... In the past few years, she has sealed such pain and memories in dust.

Jiang Sisi's satisfied voice made her feel cold all over her body.

Seeing Ye Shu's reaction like this, everyone was stunned for a while, and then they understood that everything Jiang Sisi said was true.

Otherwise, Ye Shu wouldn't have such a big reaction.

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion: "It turned out to be true? Ye Shu actually got pregnant and gave birth to children at such an early age?"

"Oh my god, it's really unbelievable that such a thing happened, it's incredible."

"Unfortunately, I thought she was clean and self-conscious, and of high moral character, who knew that even the child was born."

Jiang Sisi smiled triumphantly, and was very satisfied when he saw that the man he liked also showed disgust for Ye Shu.

Ye Yu on the side showed a smile even more, and it was great to feel that Ye Shu was ruined without any effort.

This was the effect she wanted, making Ye Shu couldn't wait any longer before getting out of here.

[Author's words: Recommend the free new book "Sweet Pet One Hundred Percent: Husband, Pick Your Door", search for [Su Su Su Ruyi], this one is not overbearing, but it will be hard to see Fang Mian at first sight Text! 】

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