Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1429: Be jealous for men

After returning, he immediately called a team of lawyers to directly sue He Yiming and Ye Shu.

And He Yiming and Ye Shu directly relied on Xia Sheng's paternity test certificate to confirm a series of identity certificates for him.

In terms of identification, from now on, he belongs to the son of He Yiming and Ye Shu.

Jiang Xue's lawyer team found this point immediately after getting Jiang Xue's arrangement.

"Madam, this lawsuit, I'm afraid I can't fight it..."

"What does it mean to be unable to fight? Xia Sheng is Fu Qian's child, why can't we fight for it?" Jiang Xue said with air.

"Various proofs have confirmed that the child belongs to Miss Ye."

Jiang Xue was stunned.

What exactly is going on?

Why did things go to this point?

"Is it right?" she asked.

"No, there is no one on DNA."

Jiang Xue went limp.

How could this be?

Why is it like this?

If those are not the slightest problem, and if the lawsuit continues, then the reputation of the entire presidential palace will be corrupted.

Xia Sheng, turned out to be Ye Shu's child!

So, does the problem lie with Fu Qian?

"Let Fu Qian come back quickly, right away!" Jiang Xue said.


Jiang Xue gave up the idea of ​​letting a lawyer sue.

However, He Yiming sued.

Sued Fu Qian and the Presidential Palace for kidnapping and kidnapping the child, deceiving the child’s mother, etc., for the mental impact on the child.

Of course, this is not a real prosecution, because he knows that there is a very high possibility that things will not stop at the end.

But he wants to let people in the presidential palace know this lesson!

It's not that you have done something wrong, you don't need to pay the price!

He also wanted to take advantage of this lawsuit to let everyone know what Fu Qian did.

Also rectify Xia Sheng's name.

When the court subpoena was sent to the presidential palace, the staff received it for a while before daring to show it to Fu Hongxuan.

In fact, Fu Hongxuan rarely cares about this matter.

"What the **** is going on?" He curled his eyebrows, his expression extremely deep and solemn.

The summons from the court was sent to the presidential palace.

I don't know whether to say that the prosecutors are bold, or the courts are bold.

The staff had already inquired about this matter clearly and told Fu Hongxuan the cause and effect again.

"Naughty! What exactly is Fu Qian doing?" Fu Hongxuan slapped angrily on the table.

It's nothing more than having a child out of wedlock, and in the end, there will be such a scandal!

No wonder He Yiming is about to sue.

"Now this matter is full of turmoil, and the second lady's snatching of the child has also been spread more and more unpleasantly. Isn't it necessary to look for He Yiming's side and let him pay attention to control the development of the situation?"

Fu Hongxuan waved his hand and said, "You can talk to him in private. Just say, I will give him a satisfactory explanation."

"Okay, sir. By the way, the second lady has just got off the plane and is about to go home..."

"Let her come to me." Fu Hongxuan said.

He really did not expect that his daughter would do such a thing.

To be jealous for men's style, unexpectedly to this point.

The entire presidential palace has made a misfortune for this.

Fu Qian was called back by Jiang Xue. She rushed back from the United States and already knew that Xia Sheng's incident had broken out.

Along the way, she was in a panic.

She hadn't thought of things like this, she had thought that she would not be discovered.

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