Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1430: What's wrong with me?

After receiving a call from an assistant halfway through, Fu Qian had to divert to Fu Hongxuan's office.

She knocked on the door and went in.

As soon as he stepped inside, he was slapped in the face by Fu Hongxuan.

The slap was so heavy that half of Fu Qian's face suddenly swelled up high.

She stretched out her hand to cover her face, tears in her eyes.

"What good deeds did you do! The face of the Presidential Palace was completely lost by you!"

Fu Qian bit her lip and did not answer.

Fu Hongxuan pointed to her nose: "What happened to Xia Sheng, you not only caused an unmarried pregnancy scandal, but it is still happening now. How do you let everyone treat you and the presidential palace in the future?"

"Isn't it just a child? What's the big deal." Fu Qian said lightly.

"What is the big deal? A child, what kind of thing is that, can you just claim it for yourself? This time the incident is such a big deal, you must come out in person and apologize to the He Yiming family!"

Fu Qian lowered her head for a long time, then raised her: "What's wrong with me? I just want to marry her."

When Fu Hongxuan heard this, he became more angry and stopped hitting him, and slapped him again.

With a crisp sound, Fu Qian bit her lip again.

Although Fu Hongxuan regretted that he shouldn't make such a move.

But this incident really made the presidential palace faceless, and he was full of fire.

"Didn't you always hope that my sister and I will marry a capable and powerful man to help you strengthen your position? What's wrong with me? The only thing I'm wrong is that I didn't do things like this properly. "Fu Qian said, "If I didn't do it well, I was trying my best."

Fu Hongxuan trembled all over, and slapped again, but this time, he couldn't fight anymore.

"You love power, and you like the feeling of holding power in your hands. We are just helping you. Because we are your daughters only if you do it. When you don’t do it, we are nothing, no. ?"

Fu Qian said word by word.

Fu Hongxuan stared at her, staring at her.

"In your heart, there is nothing else, only the power you want. When you brought Xia Sheng back, didn't you just leave it alone?"

Fu Hongxuan clenched his fists.

Fu Qian was right. He really didn't care about the situation of anyone in the family.

Everything about them seems to have nothing to do with him. All his energy and attention are in his career and power.

If it were not for He Yiming to sue the entire presidential palace, he knew that he would not even take care of this matter.

Who is the wrong person?

"Anyway, I failed, you can do whatever you want me to do. Whatever you want." Fu Qian said indifferently.

After many failures, she was also tired. She had to get He Yiming all the time. She couldn't tell whether it was for her father's favor or her own heart.

She felt that she was completely a human being without emotions.

It's a good thing that Xia Sheng is gone, otherwise, she doesn't guarantee that she can continue to treat him well. Maybe it is possible to choke to death.

Fu Hongxuan said nothing, and waved his hand tiredly, letting Fu Qian go out.

He sat on the chair and remembered that a woman once said about himself, saying that he just liked this feeling of controlling power. That person was so vague that he couldn't find a clear face in his memory.

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