Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1433: Really dreaming

Ye Jinghua thinks it makes sense.

He Yiming's identity is indeed worthy.

If He Yiming really proposes marriage at that time, it will be a long-faced matter for the Ye family.

Meng Fu also came, and he would not give up the opportunity to see He Yiming.

But what the situation is like today, he has no idea.

Did He Yiming come to propose the marriage, or did he come to reject the marriage?

On the one hand, he has a faint expectation, hoping that they will be together, so that he can also establish some relationship with He Yiming.

On the other hand, I don’t want them to be together...

Ye Yu went to fetch the guests in, and the guests asked quietly, "What day is it today? I heard that Ye Shu became pregnant when she was unmarried. Is it true?"

"It means that a son is several years old, what's the matter?"

Ye Yu smiled: "This is true. My sister's child is indeed quite a few years old. As for the others, I am a sister, so I can't say much. But in short, General He is going to come here today."

The three aunts and six wives exchanged expressions: "Then speaking of it, Ye Shu really carries the oil bottle. Last time I introduced her boyfriend, she still disliked it, what qualifications does she have to dislike?"

"No, isn't they already with General He?"

"General He? They are together, but with this child, that may not be the case."

Ye Yu listened to these discussions, exactly as he thought, and couldn't help showing a smile.

With everyone looking forward to it, the sound of a car came from outside.

A tall military vehicle stopped at the door.

From the car, the tall man walked down.

Ye Jinghua waited outside in person, and when he saw He Yiming, he smiled: "General He!"

He didn't see Ye Shu's figure from left to right, and he felt a little bit in his heart.

He Yiming came alone!

what does that mean?

Ye Jinghua didn't dare to think about it.

"General He, please inside." Ye Jinghua greeted him inside.

He Yiming did not refuse, and went in with Ye Jinghua.

Many guests in the room, when they saw He Yiming, were shocked by his terrifying courage, everyone couldn't help standing up and greeted respectfully.

Ye Yu also stood up hurriedly and said, "General He, hello."

But He Yiming only glanced at her, and did not respond to her words, indifferent to her enthusiasm.

Ye Yu was a little frustrated and had to sit down.

Seeing that Ye Shu hadn't come with him, Ye Yu felt a bit of comfort in his heart. It seemed that He Yiming was indeed not as concerned about Ye Shu as he showed.

Ye Shu still wants to marry He Yiming?

What a dream.

Ye Jinghua asked He Yiming to pour tea, and after a moment of greeting, he said, "General He, I heard that Ye Shu has been with you for several years, then this marriage..."

Ye Jinghua asked questions straightforwardly.

The other relatives pricked their ears and listened.

Ye Yu also became nervous.

Now is the time to set life and death.

She carefully observed He Yiming's expression. After He Yiming entered the door, his expression was very indifferent, almost expressionless.

Hearing what Ye Jinghua said, he put down his teacup and said, "Ye Shu has a child. I wonder if my uncle has heard of it?"

He Yiming kept silent and did not talk about marriage, but instead mentioned Ye Shu's unmarried child.

[Ye Shu’s matter is about to be resolved, and I will continue to talk about Chu Ning’s affairs in the follow-up, everyone has a nice weekend]

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