Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1434: We can chat privately

This made Ye Jinghua immediately uneasy.

Other relatives also pricked their ears subconsciously, for fear that they might miss some gossip.

Relatives are such a type of person. They don't want you to have a bad life, but they don't want you to have a good life. They are too far apart.

Especially Ye Shu, who had a weak relationship with them, and seeing her about to fly to the branch as a phoenix, naturally people were unhappy.

Hearing He Yiming's words, everyone showed the appearance of an old god.

Ye Yu was also overjoyed. It seemed that He Yiming's opinions on this matter were really great.

Ye Jinghua said hurriedly: "General Ho, the little girl made mistakes when she was young and ignorant, but she has a good temperament since she was a child, and her character is no problem. I have really neglected to discipline her over the years. It's not her fault..."

"Whose fault is that?" He Yiming asked back.

Ye Jinghua did not expect that he would mention this question seriously, and could only say: "General He, we can talk privately about this kind of things..."

There was sweat on Ye Jinghua's forehead.

He invited He Yiming to talk about marriage, not to further destroy Ye Shu's reputation.

Ye Yu interrupted and said, "General He, if you don't like that child, in fact, our family can raise him up, it doesn't matter. I believe that this child will not become an obstacle between you and your sister."

Ye Yu said this deliberately!

She saw He Yiming's hesitation, and she just wanted to give him some fire, so that he would give up Ye Shu quickly.

Meng Fu pulled Ye Yu's hand and motioned for her to sit down.

Not only did Ye Yu not sit down, but instead said, "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with my sister's character. She marries you and promises to be able to reconcile with you."

"Ye Yu!" Ye Jinghua scolded.

Although Ye Yu kept talking for Ye Shu, it sounded like it made people feel that the Ye family was rushing to give Ye Shusai to He Yiming.

Even if Ye Shugao climbed He Yiming, it would make people feel that Ye Family's posture was too low.

He Yiming also saw Ye Yu's intention.

One can imagine how much wrong Ye Shu suffered in this family before.

He Yiming stood up and said loudly, "Today, I'm here to discuss Ye Shu's marriage and Xia Sheng's affairs."

Hearing that he finally got to the point, everyone was shocked.

Ye Yu also sat down, He Yiming finally couldn't help it, right? She knew it was absolutely impossible for such a man to live with a green hat on his back!

"Xia Sheng, Ye Shu's child is the common son of Ye Shu and I. Ye Shu and I were married four years ago." He Yiming said this sentence.

Everyone was stunned.

Not only did he unexpectedly say that Xia Sheng was He Yiming's son, but also, what was even more unexpected was that he and Ye Shu were married!

Ye Yu was dumbfounded on the spot.

This is something she never expected.

How can it be? General He and Ye Shu have obtained a marriage certificate?

Why is Ye Shu? How can she be?

He Yiming looked at Ye Jinghua: "I didn't mention this to my uncle before. Now that my uncle found me to discuss the marriage, I naturally had to tell the truth. It's just that because I had something wrong before, there was no time to give Ye Shu. A wedding. It’s exactly what I have always wanted to do for her now."

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