Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1435: The only way to choose

The reason why He Yiming came to see Ye Jinghua was because he discovered that the only father in the Ye family had true love for Ye Shu.

As for the others, they didn't care about Ye Shu, and he didn't need to care about them.

Ye Jinghua was overjoyed: "Of course, of course. It must be done. Marriage should not be too trifling."

Ye Yu and those who watched the excitement all showed a look of surprise.

The child who originally thought Ye Shu was definitely not He Yiming.

Not only is it now, but He Yiming's maintenance of Ye Shu is comprehensive and proper.

He still maintained that indifferent attitude, asking Ye Jinghua what he needed to do in order to conform to the customs and etiquette of the Ye family, and carefully listening to Ye Jinghua's opinions.

Now anyone can see what kind of pious attitude He Yiming has come from.

I am afraid that only Ye Yu would think that He Yiming had come to refuse marriage.

The guests she specially invited, not only did not see Ye Shu ashamed, but saw He Yiming put her first in everything, and thought for her everywhere.

Ye Jinghua was even more emotional. He didn't expect that he really blamed Ye Shu at the beginning, and he drove her out in a rage. He regretted it for a while.

Now with the opportunity of He Yiming's visit, if he can resolve misunderstandings and contradictions with his daughter, he will have nothing else to ask for.

Ye Yu couldn't sit still, stood up, turned around and went out.

Meng Fu glanced at her back and showed a helpless smile. I don't know when the relationship between them has become so light...

After talking about the matter, He Yiming didn't stay much, and left soon.

Ye Jinghua kept sending him out and onto the car. He watched him drive a long way away and stood there for a long time.

Ye Yu was so angry that he threw out the vase at hand and smashed it to pieces.

Ye Shu, why can she get so much better than herself?

She couldn't bear it at all in her heart.

Just when she was still wondering if she should stumble Ye Shu and He Yiming, a call came.

Ye Yu picked it up, and after listening to it for a while, his face became ashes.

The Jiang family is bankrupt!

It was the Jiang family where Jiang Sisi was.

Although the Jiang family's business is not as good as the Meng family and Ye family's, they are still doing well, and they can be regarded as impressive.

But shortly after Jiang Sisi offended Ye Shu, the Jiang family's business fell into a freeze, and new business was not available, and the old partners also left one after another.

The capital chain soon broke, and the Jiang family's business was completely unsustainable. In a short time, they declared bankruptcy.

The Jiang family was in chaos, and Jiang Sisi had no intention of working, and life was in a mess.

Ye Yu was shocked, and the phone dropped straight to the ground.

She knew clearly in her heart that He Yiming must have done this.

In order to avenge the incident that Jiang Sisi brought Xia Sheng out at the time and humiliated Ye Shu in public.

As for why it is not your turn yet? It should be reluctantly for the sake of his surname Ye.

Ye Yu trembled all over, how good is He Yiming to Ye Shu? What will he do for her?

She picked up the phone tremblingly, and returned to her room with a pale face.

Perhaps catching Meng Fu and not being a demon is the only path she can choose. Otherwise, Zhu Jian and Jiang Sisi will end up being her role models...

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