Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1436: Not much progress

Preparations for the marriage of He Yiming and Ye Shu began.

The happiest thing is Xia Sheng. Outside of school hours, he followed Chu Ning to help select various items.

"Is this good-looking?"

"Is this ok?"

Chu Ning pointed to the things on the computer and asked Xia Sheng one by one.


Xia Sheng nodded once, and Chu Ning checked it out.

During this time, Ye Shu was still working on the radio.

The work there is already on track, Ye Shu didn't want to give up at will.

So Ye Shu couldn't control the wedding preparations for a while.

"Tired?" Chu Ning touched her head.

"No, happy." Xia Sheng shook his head heavily and returned her with a bright smile.

He held the computer and looked at it seriously.

After choosing for a long time and finally finished, Chu Ning closed the computer and said, "Then let them prepare according to this tomorrow. You should go to bed too, kids don’t sleep long enough."

Chu Ning kissed his forehead and smiled: "Good night."

Chu Ning left, and Xia Sheng's mood suddenly fell.

Because tomorrow, there will be parent-child activities in the school, parents must go with them.

Ye Shu couldn't come back, so Xia Sheng didn't speak.

But what He Yiming said...The relationship between Xia Sheng and He Yiming has not actually made much progress.

He has always been close to Ye Shu only, and with Ye Shu, the father and son get along without any problems.

But when there was no Ye Shu, Xia Sheng was a little afraid of He Yiming.

He hesitated to find He Yiming in the study.

He raised his hand and tried to knock on the door, but he did not knock.

Suddenly, the door opened in front of Xia Sheng, and He Yiming's tall figure appeared in front of him.

Xia Sheng held his hand back and said hello: "Daddy."

"Are you looking for me?" He Yiming asked.

"That...no." Xia Sheng shook his head and said, "Good night."

After speaking, he turned and went back to his room.

He Yiming couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, Xia Sheng was afraid of him. This is an indisputable fact.

He can get along with himself normally, but he never dared to make any requests, let alone act like other children, act like a coquettish in front of him, and naturally put forward any ideas.

When he woke up early the next morning, Xia Sheng sat at the dining table and He Yiming came downstairs.

After saying good morning to each other, He Yiming asked someone to bring a set of clothes over and said, "Try it, if it fits."

"For me?" Xia Sheng reached out and took it.

Open it, it turned out to be a basketball uniform.

Today, the parent-child activities in his school are basketball activities, so the children are specifically asked to ask their fathers to accompany them.

Xia Sheng didn't dare to speak. He originally planned to tell the teacher that his father was busy and couldn't come just like before...

Xia Sheng has worn it a few times, and it's just right.

But... he looked at He Yiming: "Daddy, how do you know?"

"Last night, I called the teacher to ask. The teacher said that there will be basketball parent-child activities today." He Yiming looked at him flatly, "Xia Sheng, what will happen in the future, tell me, eh?"

"Anything is okay?" Xia Sheng pinched a knife and fork.

"Of course, it's okay." He Yiming knew that he was too negligent before, which made Xia Sheng lose his sense of closeness and trust.

But in the future, it won't.

"Will you go then?" Xia Sheng asked courageously, holding the knife and fork in his hand, subconsciously tightening.

I was afraid of getting a negative answer, especially when the line of sight fell on He Yiming and saw him wearing a strict suit.

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