Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 162: Except that the heart is soft...

Although it is not a big deal for a son to have a woman, she is as smart as Ding Qinen. From Wu Shuzhen's words, she has long guessed that Wu Shuzhen and Yu Xinyan have premeditated high spirits.

How could she tolerate her son being so calculated?

Now Ding Qinen's words are somewhat relieved and somewhat ridiculed.

She spoke, and Yu Xinyan did not dare to cry any more, so she had to put away her tears.

Shen Jingyu's long and narrow phoenix eyes were stained with a touch of ridicule: "Chief Guard, check why there are irrelevant people in my room, and why, the incense that promotes affection is burning."

misunderstanding? Do they really think he would believe such nonsense?

"Yes." Duan Hanyu answered immediately.

Wu Shuzhen and Yu Xinyan's faces suddenly turned pale.

Ding Qinen gave Wu Shuzhen a fierce look: "Let me check it out! If anyone dares to threaten Jingyu's safety, I will never be merciless."

Wu Shuzhen and Yu Xinyan hugged each other, shaking.

At this moment, no one dared to ask, who was the woman in Shen Jingyu's room.

Duan Hanyu took everyone to the restaurant, only Ding Qinen and Shen Jingyu stayed.

Ding Qinen said, "Jingyu, I contacted He Ning and asked her to come over to have a meal. However, she hasn't appeared yet. You know, Mom wants to have a good relationship with her, but if she doesn't give her a chance if……"

The implication is that she has been well-mannered. If He Ning doesn't know the etiquette, the relationship will be bad in the future, no wonder she has nothing to do.

"Mom, He Ning was in the room with me just now." Shen Jingyu said, explaining for He Ning.

Ding Qinen was taken aback for a moment and looked into the room. In other words, his son and He Ning were in the room just now, in broad daylight...

Seeing her mother's thoughts, Shen Jingyu naturally didn't want her to think about He Ning's behavior, and said in a low voice, "He Ning originally went to the room with me just now to discuss a gift for you. But who knows someone is in the room. The incense that promotes affection was ignited inside. He Ning is weak and naturally can't stand this. I can only keep her by my side."

"It turned out to be so." Ding Qinen's displeased thoughts about He Ning were finally pulled back by Shen Jingyu, "However, if I find out who dared to do something to you, I will not tolerate it."

Shen Jingyu said, "He Ning and I will clean up and come to the restaurant."

He turned around and entered the room. After he and He Ning came to the room just now, he immediately asked Duan Hanyu to take Yu Xinyan away. He and He Ning were in the same room, otherwise if they were with Yu Xinyan who was so exposed One room, I am afraid that in front of He Ning, it is really unclear.

However, the effect of the incense was really powerful, and he could hold it back, and He Ning could not resist it at all. He showed an unparalleled fascination and took the initiative to ask him.

Such a little woman was something Shen Jingyu had never seen before, and she was also looking forward to it, except for her soft heart, and everything else in her body was hard.

It was naturally impossible for Shen Jingyu to refuse her, so he didn't even bother to close the door, so he loved her well.

If it hadn't been for the loud noises outside to make He Ning noisy, he wouldn't have come out to deal with it personally.

Striding to the bed, the already contented little woman raised her lips, revealing a sweet and lovely naive attitude.

He put his hand on her sharp chin and stroked her almost transparent skin.

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