Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 163: Please don't treat her casually...

He Ning at this moment is almost breathtakingly beautiful.

Under the warm sunlight through the curtains, she could clearly see the very shallow skin texture on her white skin, filled with shallow light.

At this moment, He Ning was more feminine than usual, and Shen Jingyu hardly dared to vent her anger, fearing that she would be blown to pieces.

His fingers traced her soft lines and smooth skin along her chin.

If it weren't for worrying that she would be tired, he would definitely be unable to control the feeling of wanting her again at this moment.

When she slid her finger to her eyelid, Shen Jingyu noticed that the temperature of her skin had risen a lot.

His heart sank and he immediately reached for her forehead.

Sure enough, she had some fever. Just now, the temperature of her whole body was very high, and Shen Jingyu thought that the temperature would naturally drop if her medicinal properties were resolved.

Unexpectedly, not only did it not come down, but it rose up instead.

Gu Yunchen explained that her kidney disease is currently in the treatment stage and should not be contaminated with other problems, otherwise the effect of the treatment will be greatly reduced!

Thinking of this, Shen Jingyu's mood fell to the bottom, and immediately picked up He Ning, and strode out.

He went directly to the military hospital and sent He Ning in.

The doctor checked her immediately.

Shen Jingyu instructed Qin Zheng to the side: "Let Gu Yunchen fly back right away!"

Qin Zheng left, and the doctor eagerly helped He Ning check.

Shen Jingyu's eyebrows were stained with distress, and there was a hint of self-blame. He was negligent just now, and he didn't notice her physical condition, thinking that it was the increase in body temperature that could only occur when she was drugged.

Soon, the doctor came out and said to Shen Jingyu: "Fortunately, General, it was delivered in time, and the patient was not in serious trouble."

"What's the situation?" Shen Jingyu asked with frowning, anxious and anxious in his voice.

"The patient's current medication collided with her inhaled a certain drug today, which made her body unacceptable, and then she had fever..." The doctor hesitated to glance at Shen Jingyu, "General, this lady's physical condition I am weak, I really can’t stand the aphrodisiac drugs, so the general should never..."

The doctor stopped talking. He thought it was Shen Jingyu who gave He Ning the stimulant drug. In order to create a sentiment, he wanted to persuade Shen Jingyu.

But he didn't dare to persuade him bluntly, so he could only express it implicitly.

Shen Jingyu understands, it is the problem caused by the incense that promotes affection!

It was his negligence. Such drugs are not a good thing in themselves, they mess up people's minds, damage people's nervous system, and are harmful in themselves.

His body can stand it, but He Ning can't stand it at all.

Seeing that Shen Jingyu's expression was extremely serious, and the area between her eyebrows was completely cold, the doctor hurriedly said: "We have given this young lady some medicine, and we only need to rest for a few days with peace of mind, and it will be fine, the general does not need to worry."

Although he doesn't know exactly who He Ning is, the doctor can guess Shen Jingyu's appearance. He Ning is very important to him, so naturally they dare not neglect He Ning.

Shen Jingyu strode into the ward, He Ning was undergoing an infusion at the moment, and the signs of fever had improved.

However, the skin is still almost transparent, which is both beautiful and heart-wrenching.

Shen Jingyu shook her hand, her palms were a little cold, and her whole body was carrying such a slight coolness, so he couldn't help but want to warm her up.

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