Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 178: Let's get enough of the shelf first

He Ning glanced down and saw the cars, which seemed to be not the cars Shen Jingyu usually drives.

She couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

"Young lady, the wife arrived with the fifth wife and the adopted daughter, and said she was here to apologize." Aunt Chen said softly.

He Ning understood something in her heart.

When she was in the hospital, Shen Jingyu told her that the reason she was hospitalized with a fever was because she inhaled some arousal incense in the hotel room.

It's no wonder that she would take the initiative to do that kind of shameful things to Shen Jingyu...

Shen Jingyu said at the time that the culprit would be found.

He Ning also understood that Shen Jingyu would dare to calculate Shen Jingyu, and Shen Jingyu would never give up.

Now since Ding Qinen brought Wu Shuzhen and the others to apologize, I just don't know, is there anything to do with Ding Qinen?

He Ning didn't understand, but he didn't want to be rude and neglect Ding Qinen, so he said, "Then I will go down first."

"Young grandma still drank the bird's nest before going down. San Ye specifically told me, don't worry." Aunt Chen persuaded softly.

He Ning glanced at Aunt Chen and understood what this meant. Since others came to apologize, she didn't make a mistake. Naturally, she had to get enough of the shelf before talking.

However, how could Shen Jingyu favor himself and neglect their Shen family?

Aunt Chen waited on He Ning, slowly drank a bowl of bird's nest, and helped her put on a neat dress before she went downstairs with He Ning.

Ding Qinen was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, Wu Shuzhen and a young woman stood by and waited.

Seeing He Ning, Ding Qinen smiled and said, "He Ning, is your health better?"

"It's better, Mom." He Ning responded with a smile.

"I came to see you that day. You haven't woken up yet, and rushed over when you knew you were discharged today." Ding Qinen took her hand and sat down beside him.

He Ning smiled gratefully. She knew Ding Qinen didn't like herself, and she was afraid that she would drag Shen Jingyu.

All of what Ding Qinen is doing now should be based on Shen Jingyu's face.

Naturally, she will do her best to save her face: "Mom rarely visits the Portuguese market, and she has to worry about me. I'm really sorry."

"It's not uncommon. It is only an hour's drive from Jingyuan City to Lisboa City. Lisboa City guards Jingyuan City. Many troops are stationed here. As a family member, I should come here often." Ding Qinen said in greeting. .

Then she turned around and said: "As for that day, someone wanted to seduce Jingyu. This is something I absolutely can't allow! Jingyu is the head of the Shen family and shoulders the guardian mission of the entire Dragon Empire. It's about the whole thing. Your child’s country is in danger. If it’s for your own little self-interest, you will also give him medicine today, and I will also incense him tomorrow. The family will not be a family, the country will not be a country, what will it look like?"

Ding Qin'en looked elegant and dignified, and his anger was no small matter.

Wu Shuzhen was going to serve her tea, but she was so frightened that she spilled the tea on the floor.

"Shuzhen, do you know your fault if you indulge your goddaughter to do such a thing?" Ding Qinen gave Wu Shuzhen a stern look.

Wu Shuzhen hurriedly said: "Wrong, I was wrong, Sansao, I blamed my lard for covering my heart, and even indulging Xinyan to do such a rebellious thing. When I went back, I had already punished Xinyan. Just forgive and Xinyan."

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