Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 179: What is she worthy of their apology?

Following what she said, He Ning looked at Yu Xinyan. Yu Xinyan was not from the Shen family, but she was pretty, and after some dressing, she didn't look pretty.

It's just that her eyes are red and swollen from crying, and she looks a little embarrassed. There are still a few red and naked palm prints on her face, and she doesn't know who hit it.

"Sansao, we don’t mean anything else, just thinking that the person in charge of the Shen family needs heirs, and some people are not worthy to have children of the Shen family, so they will do such a thing... if Jingyu already has Heirs or plans, how dare we?" Wu Shuzhen glanced at He Ning and said with tears.

He Ning's heart trembled. This Wu Shuzhen said that she was here to apologize, but she had a gun and a stick in her words. How could there really be some kind of apology?

This might be just a way of apologizing, but instead gave yourself a slap in the face.

She looked at Ding Qin'en again. Ding Qin'en could speak, but He Ning understood better that Ding Qin'en was angry because someone threatened her son's health, not because of other things.

Having said that, if it weren't for Shen Jingyu's pressure to investigate this matter, and they must also apologize, I'm afraid there would be no such thing in sight.

"Xinyan, quickly apologize to your third aunt." Wu Shuzhen took Yu Xinyan's hand and asked her to speak quickly.

"Sorry Auntie San, I was wrong. I shouldn't do such a thing, shouldn't treat the third master like this..." Yu Xinyan cried and cried, the pear blossoms were raining, and big tears fell from her eyes.

Wu Shuzhen also slapped herself a few mouths: "Sansao, please forgive our mothers and daughters for their long hair and short knowledge. Don't be familiar with us anymore, okay?"

Ding Qinen was tired and said, "Well, you can also apologize to He Ning."

"He Ning, I'm sorry. Our mother and daughter were also unintentional. I didn't expect your body to be so weak. After inhaling a little bit of medicine, you were hospitalized for several days. Isn't your body unworthy of being a young grandmother... I'm so sorry... …" Wu Shuzhen said I'm sorry, and there was a small muttering slander in between.

But still not forgetting to mention her condition, so as to make Ding Qinen even more dissatisfied with He Ning.

Ding Qinen naturally knew Wu Shuzhen's thoughts, but she didn't say anything. Although she also loved He Ning two points, her feelings were limited after all.

She wanted to use Wu Shuzhen's mouth to beat He Ning, and there was nothing wrong with it.

As Shen Jingyu's contracted wife, He Ning knew that she really had no right to blame.

Her poor health and her inability to have children are all her own shortcomings. She really has no position if others want to make a big fuss about this.

Both Wu Shuzhen and Yu Xinyan were a little proud, crying, because they showed Ding Qin'en, and sincerely confessed their mistakes to Ding Qin'en.

But for He Ning, why did she get the apology from their mother and daughter?

Even the mother-in-law’s favor cannot be obtained, and her position in the Shen family will not be firm in the future. What is her worthy of their apology?

Ding Qinen said: "Since the apology is almost done, He Ning, we won't bother you to rest..."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and was about to take people away.

"Madam, please wait." Aunt Chen stood aside and stopped Ding Qinen.

Ding Qinen sat down again: "What do you want, let's talk about it."

"It's not my business." Aunt Chen was also a little apprehensive. "It was the third master. He said, he said... Let the fifth wife and Miss Yu kneel down to apologize to the young lady."

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