Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 185: To obliterate the third master

"I'm just San Ye's economic assistant. I can only help when San Ye handles the Shen family's affairs." Qin Zheng smiled, "When San Ye handles military affairs, he has Qiao Hai by his side."

He Ning remembered that Qiao Hai, who was in military uniform, always had the same serious expression as Shen Jingyu's face on a doll. It turned out that he was Shen Jingyu's orderly soldier.

No wonder she sometimes sees that the person next to Shen Jingyu is Qiao Hai, and sometimes it is Qin Zheng.

When the car arrived at the company, Qin Zheng respectfully took out a document and handed it to He Ning.

"This is?" He Ning asked strangely.

"My grandmother is going to start company affairs, so she must spend a lot of money. This is part of the profit drawn from the lam cosmetics company under your name. San Ye will explain it for you to use at any time. I will rush to let someone sort it out. Okay, send it."

He Ning pursed her lips slightly: "The income of the cosmetics company is marital property, and this company is my personal pre-marital property, and I will not use it."

She can't spend Shen Jingyu's money anymore, this is the principle.

"If it's an emergency, why don't you return it later when your company grows stronger? Young grandma is blindly obsessed, but she obliterated San Ye with good intentions." Qin Zheng's voice was steady, and he was in business.

He Ning thought for a while, what he said is reasonable, if it is only temporarily borrowed, and then even the principal will be paid back later, it will help Shen Jingyu also make a lot of money.

"Then I'll take it first." He Ning nodded, and she will return it immediately once it is not used.

"By the way, San Ye also confessed that he arranged two bodyguards for the young grandma. Don't worry, the young grandma will only protect your safety and will not affect your personal affairs."

After speaking, Qin Zheng snapped his fingers, and the two bodyguards stood in front of He Ning.

They are all retired special forces, with deep cold written on their faces, and through their clothes, they can feel a strong muscle, and they all carry a brutal murderous aura.

The corners of He Ning's lips twitched. Fortunately, they are friends but not enemies, otherwise she might be frightened by the murderous intent and retreat a few meters away.

After meeting with He Ning, the two bodyguards quickly retreated and disappeared without a trace.

But He Ning knew that they shouldn't be too far away from her, because Qin Zheng and Qiao Hai were like this. When they weren't needed, they didn't seem to be in front of them at all, but they would appear right away when needed.

"Thank you." He Ning is grateful for such an arrangement.

This is indeed, considering her current difficulties in all aspects, these arrangements can almost alleviate all the things she is currently worried about.

Qin Zheng smiled: "If you want to thank the young grandma, thank the third master. I'll be one step ahead."

He Ning pursed his lips and looked at Qin Zheng's back, but Shen Jingyu appeared in his heart.

In the morning, he showed no concern for her affairs...

However, after a while, she was arranged clearly.

In his heart, what did he think?

What is his attitude towards her?


Just after arriving at the company, a young girl walked over to Hening: "Miss He."

"Yun Xi, Uncle Gong told me, let you follow me."

Gong Yunxi in front of him is the daughter of Gong Zeye. Gong Zeye has always helped He Ning before. Now that He Ning has got so many properties back, he feels that it is time for him to retreat to the second line, so he asked his daughter to continue to help He Ning. rather.

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