Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 186: Contempt

Like Gong Zeye, Gong Yunxi has always been very loyal to He Ning and the company.

He Ning smiled and said, "I will trouble you in the future."

"At present, the company's business is relatively smooth. However, some shareholders are still arrogant and are ready at any time." Gong Yunxi had already inquired clearly about the matter.

He Ning nodded. These shareholders, on the one hand, feel that they have meat to eat with them. After all, they have made a large investment in Haohan Tianyue, and the projects they usually do are also very profitable;

On the one hand, they feel that they will soon be in the world, and they are afraid that they will always follow them and lose the opportunity to switch to He Hongtao.

To be honest, such a shareholder, He Ning is really not rare.

"Let's have a meeting first." He Ning said.

Gong Yunxi is very similar to Gong Zeye. She doesn't talk much, but she is very capable.

He Ning and Gong Yunxi stepped into the meeting room, and shareholders were slightly surprised when they saw He Ning.

He Ning was seriously ill before, and everyone was panicked and questioned He Ning.

Unexpectedly, He Ning would come back so soon.

Seeing her appearance in front of everyone, if she hadn't been prepared, they wouldn't recognize it as He Ning.

The beautiful facial features are bright and moving, and the palm-sized melon seeds are full of firmness. A simple lady's suit jacket, dotted with a thin silk scarf, reveals femininity.

Beautiful than before, more confident than before, she stood there, it was a landscape.

Shareholders put away their contempt, but they are far from being completely loyal to He Ning.

"From today, I will be fully responsible for all things in the company. I will look at every project." He Ning opened his mouth and went straight to the subject, "This is the company's goal for this year. Let's take a look."

Gong Yunxi distributed the documents that He Ning rushed overnight to various shareholders.

"We will definitely follow the eldest lady." Someone immediately responded.

However, some shareholders were shooting the documents that He Ning had just assigned to Gong Yunxi and sent them to He Hongtao.

The reputation of the wall is not in vain.

He Ning glanced at the shareholder and said with a smile: "Dong Liao, do you want to borrow my mobile phone with a higher pixel count?"

Liao Dong, who was directly named, quickly closed the document.

He Ning remembered that when He Hongtao came to grab his own company last time, this Dong Liao was still behind He Hongtao. Obviously, he was not only a horror, but he was very likely to be He Hongtao's.

Such people staying in the company is undoubtedly the biggest hidden danger.

"Miss joked, I have a bad memory, so I can take photos of the files so that I can take them out to learn at any time, so as not to forget things, so as not to delay the major events in the company. Miss, do you think that?" Liao Dong smile Joked.

Others also hurriedly helped him round up his words: "Yes, Miss. We old bones are not as quick as the young lady in thinking. If you take the photo, you can study hard, so as not to live up to the young lady's expectations."

"Very good." He Ning smiled sweetly.

She had originally looked like an innocent and harmless face, even though she had already risen a lot of anger in her heart, but Guazi's face was still so weak and deceiving.

So in the past, she had to dress herself up in an ugly and old state.

But now, she doesn't need it anymore!

Even with her own face, she has the confidence that she can suppress these people!

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