Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 187: Who of you dare to touch Miss He!

"Miss, I'm sorry!" Several shareholders headed by Dong Liao obviously didn't pay attention to He Ning. When they heard her say "very good", they casually said something.

She is so gentle, they are not afraid at all.

"Dong Liao, Dong Zhou, Dong Chen, Dong Li, since you think you are old and have a bad memory, in order not to affect the performance of the company, and in order not to affect your life in your old age, starting today, I announce that you You can go home for the elderly! Gong Yunxi will take over your affairs!" He Ning spoke slowly, but every word was firm.

Several shareholders were stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "Miss, how can you do this? We have toiled even if we have no credit!"

"You can't drive us away!"

"What is Gong Yunxi, how can she take over our business!"

"Miss, we still hold the company's shares in our hands. We are also the most experienced elders. If you drive us away, will you not be afraid that the company will fall into a shortage of funds or that the company's affairs will be messed up and be defeated by competitors!"

They were very unwilling, and more depended on what was in their hands, not afraid that He Ning would really dare to move them!

He Ning is so young and has limited funds. Is it their opponent?

A few people, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, relying on the old and selling the old without fear.

"Come on, send them out!" He Ning shouted.

Seeing that He Ning really did something to himself, Dong Liao did not hesitate to tear his face, stood up, and said, "Even the security department in the company is my person. What am I afraid of? He Ning, we respect your parents, so we can treat you a little bit. Take it seriously. But you, holding the eldest lady's shelf, treated us like this, don't blame us for turning our faces!"

The security guard came over and stood behind them. Obviously, even though He Ning had made investment last time, the power within the company had been half-emptied.

"Miss, I'm offended." The manager of the Security Section took a few security guards and walked together in front of He Ning.

They also knew that He Ning died soon, and his allegiance to her would have no good results at all.

Only by standing on the side of Liao Dong and others can we have a better life in the future.

Gong Yunxi guarded He Ning: "Who dare to move Miss He!"

"Yun Xi, don't worry." He Ning said lightly, and glanced outside.

Liao Dong obviously underestimated He Ning's ability.

Behind He Ning, there appeared two bodyguards dressed in murderous air. They were dressed in black, and their eyes were full of bloodthirsty cruelty. Compared with these tall, but weak security guards, they are no different from egg touch. stone.

Within ten minutes, everyone in the Security Division, including the manager, was thrown out.

Liao Dong and others are not spared!

After completing the task, the two bodyguards quickly disappeared.

The remaining shareholders and Gong Yunxi were stunned and amazed.

It turned out that He Ning is no longer the He Ning he used to be. It is stronger and more capable than before!

He Ning sat in the main seat and spoke again: "I will buy all the shares of Dong Liao and others soon."

Everyone was amazed. Although the He's company was not as huge as those giants in the industry, it still had decades of history, and the value of the shares held by these shareholders was not low.

He Ning was able to buy them all in one go, which is really strong!

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